Dirac - we need to talk


Well-known member
My fear is an increasing number of manufacturers like Bluesound, Onkyo, NAD etc will make Dirac ready equipment, where in their vanilla state sound mediocre, almost forcing the customer to purchase the Dirac license.

This was hinted at a few reviews I've read of NAD's Master Series integrated amps or preamp/streamers.

A cash-in which benefits both manufacturers and Dirac presents a possible trend that can be insidious. And every Youtuber and their dog pushes Dirac.

Don't get me wrong, Dirac is the only room correction on stereo equipment I will seriously consider - those on Wiim/Eversolo I cannot take seriously as it's not their expertise.


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2008
If an amp is poorly designed, then no amount of Dirac will fix it, in fact it will probably turn out worse, as once the room problems have been reduced it will show up the limitations of the amp even more.
As to the amps you mention, you will find 1000s of owners that completely disagree with you.

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Well-known member
If an amp is poorly designed, then no amount of Dirac will fix it, in fact it will probably turn out worse, as once the room problems have been reduced it will show up the limitations of the amp even more.
As to the amps you mention, you will find 1000s of owners that completely disagree with you.


Thousands? Surely can't be all NAD Master Series owners. I added some hyperbole, but at least a few suggested that, regardless of your room being perfect, Dirac was needed to get the best out of them.


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2013
Thousands? Surely can't be all NAD Master Series owners. I added some hyperbole, but at least a few suggested that, regardless of your room being perfect, Dirac was needed to get the best out of them.
No hi-fi system will give its best without some form of bass management. That's just basic physics.

I'd fully expect people who buy a NAD Master series amp with Dirac to report that they find the sound is better with Dirac than without.


Well-known member
No hi-fi system will give its best without some form of bass management. That's just basic physics.

I'd fully expect people who buy a NAD Master series amp with Dirac to report that they find the sound is better with Dirac than without.

Bass management is mostly relevant if you're using a subwoofer. This has only been a trend in the last 5 years, so I'm not into fads.

Dirac is useful and works very well I'm sure, but choosing the right type of speaker and placement in the room is equally important.

I will still completely ignore room correction software built into WiiM, Eversolo etc, simply because it's not their main field like Dirac is.


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2013
The physics of room acoustics dictates that each and every main speaker (i.e. one that puts out significant SPL below the Schroeder frequency) will benefit from bass management.

Trying to address resonances by moving your speakers is largely pointless: wherever you move the speakers, there'll still be resonances at the listening position -- the resonances will just be at slightly higher or lower frequency than before.
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Well-known member
The physics of room acoustics dictates that each and every main speaker (i.e. one that puts out significant SPL below the Schroeder frequency) will benefit from bass management.

Trying to address resonances by moving your speakers is largely pointless: wherever you move the speakers, there'll still be resonances at the listening position -- the resonances will just be at slightly higher or lower frequency than before.

And who does bass management well except for Dirac, Linn's proprietary system and maybe a few other proprietary ones?

I won't question the technologies by the reputable ones mentioned above, but I'll assume WiiM and Eversolo are rubbish, it's not their expertise.

What concerns me is undue profiteering, just like nobody needs touchscreens in cars yet are shoved down our throats with no concern by NCAP.

There are now speaker manufacturers who are designing speakers to be situated close against walls, making such room correction redundant.

And Dirac no question are pushing themselves, posing a real threat that manufacturers will sell substandard products to force you to purchase room correction software.

Bass management is being over egged and exaggerated in some situations IMHO.
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