MajorFubar said:
Just to further underline what Andy and Dave have said (because sometimes common sense needs all the publicity it can get), in a final master, there's nothing about a 24 bit / 96kHz (etc) master which will intrinsically make it sound better than 16/44.1. If you take a hi-res master and resample it to 16/44 you will not hear any difference. Any audible differences between SD and HD releases of the 'same' album are always because they're really not the same master at all.
There is even a view in some quarters that hi-res files can sound worse (more distorted) than 16/44 files.
This requires a bit of explanation, and I’m afraid I’m a little fuzzy on the science, but thankfully you’ll have an actual physicist to help you later on.?
First, we’ll assume that in some circumstances people can hear differences between hi-res and 16/44 files in DB ABX tests. This will be a deal-breaker for some people, but I’m pretty confident it’s the case. Back in July, Scott Wilkinson launched a trial of hi-res vs 16/44 over on the AVS forum. I’ve done the test using the foobar 2000 ABX plug-in, and I was able to discriminate with ease. Others have also done it.
The question is: why? I’m not inclined to believe any of the explanations offered by advocates of hi-res audio, viz. that frequencies above 20kHz cause intermodulation harmonics in the audible range, or that binaural hearing (localization) depends upon hairs in the ear canal picking up frequencies above 20kHz.
The most plausible explanation, it seems to me, is that the extra HF energy in hi-res files is overtaxing the replay equipment, especially amplification, and that this causes intermodulation distortion below 20kHz. This explanation has been proposed by physicist David Griesinger:
One reason I'm inclined to follow Griesinger's hypothesis is that when I successfully distinguished between the hi-res and 16/44 files, I actually preferred the latter. It seemed to me that the hi-res versions had some audible HF distortion.