Did anybody else watch the Gadget Show last night!

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Jan 25, 2010
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Did anybody else watch 'The Gadget Show' last night.

3D test was nice to see but why do they use home made 3D/HD videos when clearly some screens will not show weaknesses yet others with a perfect signal are pure genius. Some zoo bloke reviewing too, not a home cinema fan, do like the sammy though. Didn't fully understand the Panny review, they were testing with the curtains open in front of them and then saying the sunlight was disrupting the 3D picture -surely that would effect 'like' anything you are viewing.Even reading a book i guess.

Then we had the HDMI cable test which saw Polyanna looking at a TV from 3 metres away and claiming in a brightly lit studio that she couldn't see a difference in picture quailty between the 2 sets. One cable was £5, other was £80. Surprisingly they didn't name the cables, in fact i am convinced many HDMI cable believers would agree that the Thatcable for example was at least as good as some £80 cables- but not all at even less money.Its the quality of the cable guys not just a price thing, in fact when do you see any other dedicated Home Cinema mags suggesting you buy a cable more expensive than the player- you don't.

More frustraiting was the fact there was no game testing, motion testing, 24fps testing,SD picture testing,contrast and colour testing ( could have been simply been testing with a calibration disc and comparing set levels for differences),visible noise, no sound test either- just some lousy home made guff that Polyanna made a comment on!

If you're gonna compare please do it thoroughly Channel 5!

Makes a mokery of all the honest stuff out their, not all about telling the viewers what they want to hear!


I stopped watching that programme a while ago, basically just because of all the types of things you've highlighted, the problem is some normal Joe bloggs will probably buy TVs based on it, as it's on prime timeish TV.


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May 27, 2009
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Good response to the programme I recon. Never miss it but it can be very superficial in its testing. Tending to go the way of TopGear - entertainment rules over all other things. Watchdog and others seem to do similar. Same isn't it but maybe that's why we rely on magazines etc., for our 'real' information.



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Jun 2, 2008
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The last time I saw the Gadget Show, it seemed to be pitched at an imaginary, spoilt, 13 year-old boy who is making a birthday present list for his indulgent parents.

Top-Gear is different. I am convinced it has evolved into a replacement for 'Last of The Summer Wine' for the next generation of baby-boomer retirees. (Comfortable Sunday evening comedy with a dependable format, starring three ageing 'geezers' being mischievous little boys, getting into scrapes with wrecked or home-made vehicles and being forgiven for their non-PC behaviour on the grounds of advancing age.)


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Mar 29, 2009
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have stopped watching it. the bald guy gets on my */*? and makes me want to throw things at the screen. It seems the show is more about a vehicle for the presenters egos than a source of information on new technology.


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Sep 17, 2007
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hi mate i just posted a similar post before reading your post i so agree, they never do a real test. did you see when they tested home cinema kits for sound but did it in a car park failing to take in account the effect a room and positioning has on sound you cant listen to speakers outside in a car park to get a proper result.

come on channel five wake up even the most novice of audiophile can see that


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Sep 17, 2007
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and as previously mentioned why didnt they name the so called £80 cable i bet it was not a russ andrews or chord or something of good quality, probably MONSTER or some p.c. world crap.

if they are going to bad mouth a cable please name it

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Jan 25, 2010
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As i mentioned originally this topic was about broadcast product testing under poor and variable conditions whilst not looking at all possible differences.Nobody disagreed that the £5 cable looked better or worse within the testing conditions they were using. My concern was the testing conditions and the quality of the testing especially using home made video, something that many may use, but one can assume TV, Films, and games get much more air time. Even HDMI sceptics must surely accept that conductivity, shielding, and especially length of cable make a difference. My concern was that there is some great kit out there being shown in the poorest of light and testing conditions, be like taste testing warm lager!
Still, wish i had seen the car park one, bet that was cringe worthy!

Good job we have WHF eh.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2011
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It's a real shame when the Gadget Show first aired it was a really good program. They did proper product comparisons that were very informative, I especially liked Jon Bentley's segment even if he is slightly anal at least its factual. Unfortunately it has gone down an down and down every series onwards, it is now a joke just full of silly challenges which tell you nothing about gadgets. All they seem to be interested in is having Polyanna and Suzi flaunt themselves on your screen, now don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with that but it doesn't tell you much about the gadgets now does it.

I think it took me about 8 minutes to watch the last show with the fast forward button on the ready.


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