Denon DM37DAB


New member
Aug 10, 2019

Should I be worried?

I just discovered that my Denon DM37DAB has its left and right channels crossed over!

Was playing a CD test and found out.

Ok all I have done to sort this out is swap the left and right speaker connectors but I am wondering if they can make such a basic mistake then what else could be wrong with it?

I got it from Superfi and have mailed them about it.

Not keen on sending it back but will if you guys think I should?
Strange - I'd also contact Denon and see what they say.

Nice video. Spider webs on the speaker cones? You do seem to have been a bit unlucky with this order!

Strange - I'd also contact Denon and see what they say.

Nice video. Spider webs on the speaker cones? You do seem to have been a bit unlucky with this order!

Yep that's me! I always get rubbish

Well that's not fair, it sounds nice.

I'll have a look for Denon on line
Not a problem switching them over as you say but makes me wonder if mine's the same as I only bought mine from Superfi less than 3-weeks ago! Please give updates.
Sizzers:Not a problem switching them over as you say but makes me wonder if mine's the same as I only bought mine from Superfi less than 3-weeks ago! Please give updates.


Well you can check! download this from my web site copy it to a flash drive and try it in yours.

Would be interested to know what you find, maybe a bad batch?

I have mailed both Superfi and Denon with details and will let this forum know what comes back.

I don't want to send it back as we would then be without anything, plus its a big hassle with no post office nearby :-(
Don't use flash drives but guess I may be able to borrow one sometime. Worse than weird this, but then again it is made in China. That alone almost put me off buying it but have been thrilled with it so far.
Sizzers:Don't use flash drives but guess I may be able to borrow one sometime. Worse than weird this, but then again it is made in China. That alone almost put me off buying it but have been thrilled with it so far.

Hi, flash drive, memory stick just a USB plug in is all you need! I have found I can even use my external USB hard drive with it!
I know what a memory stick is but just don't use them. Don't use mp3 players, never tuned the DAB radio on it as it's all channelled through my DVD recorder. Just want the tunes from the CD! lol


Should I be worried?

I just discovered that my Denon DM37DAB has its left and right channels crossed over!

Just catching up on the weekend threads and noticed someone on another thread has noticed the same problem on DM37. Just checked mine, bought last November and its OK. The plane on a John Mayall track has always flown left to right between the speakers and it still does. Wonder if there's been a design flaw introduced at the factory or something.
Hi update time.

Denon UK has replied, apologised and asked for the serial number and case colour.

They also asked if the headphones were correct (they are)

Superfi replied and told me to contact superfi returns and ask them about it.

Not impressed with that, a simple internal mail would have done the trick surely?

Anyway I await the reply from Denon
Hi Today from Denon

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your e-mail.

We have checked our own units and they produce audio correctly.

As such we advise you to return the unit to your dealer, if required check it with them and if the problem is confirmed get it booked onto our repair system.

We hope this information is of assistance.

Best regards,

Product Support

I have said its not much help as there is no post office close to us.

I have also asked if the problem is likely to be part of something far worse or a simple miss solder or wrong way plug inside?

After all, if it is that then I need not worry

Hi Today from Denon

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your e-mail.

We have checked our own units and they produce audio correctly.

As such we advise you to return the unit to your dealer, if required check it with them and if the problem is confirmed get it booked onto our repair system.

We hope this information is of assistance.

Best regards,

Product Support

I have said its not much help as there is no post office close to us.

I have also asked if the problem is likely to be part of something far worse or a simple miss solder or wrong way plug inside?

After all, if it is that then I need not worry


What does the speaker optimise filter do on this unit?

It seems to refer to a particular model of speaker?
It's set up specifically for the SCM-37 speakers. As you're running Diamonds switch it off and it should sound better (it certainly does with my F1's).
Sizzers:It's set up specifically for the SCM-37 speakers. As you're running Diamonds switch it off and it should sound better (it certainly does with my F1's).

Ah ok thanks!


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