Denon AVR 2700 hdmi issues


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2015
Hi all

I have recently bought a denon AVR 2700 which is great. I used it for home cinema obviously and listen to my Bluesound node through its analog inputs and it’s very good

my issue is one of cabling…

I am currently using my Samsung Au7100 as my Dolby atmos source so the hdmi goes out from the tv to the amp. With my sky plus plugged into the amp and the signal trying to go to the tv for daily viewing I get no picture.
So I overcame this by plugging the hdmi from the sky straight into the tv and the sky’s optical goes into the amp. All good.

however I would like everything to go into the amp, then to the tv as I think this is the best way of doing things. So my plan is to buy an Apple TV box and hdmi that straight into the amp, along with the sky and earc from the amp to the tv.
I read a thread somewhere that says that Apple TV boxes don’t work if you run them through an AVR amp… is this right? Sounds wrong to me.

also I was experiencing an audio delay from the tv whilst streaming some apps, when using the amp. There is no way to cut down that offset in the amp menu… only make the audio later.

would this set up (above) work with the Apple TV, and sky into the amp and not have a delay?

hopefully someone has experience of this?

thanks in advance

1. Make sure you have the HDMI cable connected to the ARC input on the TV and the ARC output on the Denon.
2. Go into the menu of both the TV and Receiver and make sure ARC is turned on
3. Connect all your other equipment into the receiver (Make sure you don’t accidentally re-assign the HDMI inputs of the receiver to other inputs) and you should be good to go.
4. Pretty sure the TV has all the apps (And more) that are included on in the Apple TV Box so should not be required, however if you do go for it connect it to the receiver.
Have Fun

Thanks Bill

The Tv does have all the apps but I understand the Apple TV audio & video quality is outstanding and I also have this audio delay issue...

And can anyone confirm that the apple tv box works through a Denon Avr?

You should find audio delay adjustment in the receiver, (Have a look in the manual) normally there is a quick way to get to it from the remote.
Apple TV box is good quality; however the limitation will be the TV, so unless there is a particular app you want on Apple TV it’s probably not worth it.
NOTE: The Apple TV Box does not come with an HDMI cable, so make sure you have a spare one or pick one up if you purchase one.

Thanks Bill

The Tv does have all the apps but I understand the Apple TV audio & video quality is outstanding and I also have this audio delay issue...

And can anyone confirm that the apple tv box works through a Denon Avr?

I have an AppleTV (Gen 3) working fine through my Denon AVC-X3700H.


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