DAC or new amp?


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2008
I'm running my music from a power Mac, through an Airport Express into a quite old Denon PMA 250SE and a pair of Wharfedale Diamond 9.1s. The Airport Express has made a huge difference to the quality compared to playing the music via my old laptop's headphone jack but I'm sure it can still be better. Am thinking of either getting a Beresford DAC or maybe a new amp, such as the award winning Yamaha A-S500 or Marantz PM6003 (the amp also powers a CD player). Which upgrade will make the most difference? Any tips and ideas would be most welcome. Cheers.
The AE has a good optical Toslink out that will deliver 16 bit CD quality audio streamed or hardwired.

A DAC in between AE and amp would make the most difference IMO.
I would also give a vote to the Beresford Dac...(in particular to the Caiman version)

I had a Caiman Dac just last year and can testify it was a great sounding Dac (as well as an excellent Class A headphone Amp...and the Pre-amp was pretty good too).

I compared my Rega Saturn CD player with the Caiman Dac (via the rega's digital output)...Not a lot to choose between them IMHO....Which is a testament to how good it is!

Just add a decent Power amp later when funds permit to the Caiman pre-amp and you will be a very happy bunny indeed!

A well deserved value for money 5 star what HiFi product IMO just like your WD 9.1's....Stan B is a nice chap to boot.



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