Womaz said:
The amp purchase has been on my mind for a little while now, but the CD player was where I could not make up my mind. Both dealers I spoke to said they would not be buying a new CD player and would go for a streamer.
I think the CLIC is my compromise, as I am hoping it will improve my Arcam CD 82 as well. If it does not, then it will probably go the journey eventualy as the dealer reckons the CLIC and the Arcam will have very similar SQ. Infact he reckons the CLIC will be better. We shall see.
I honestly would have been lost without this forum over the last 3 months, they are invaluable.
On a similar theme, my daughter wanted to listen to Adam Lambert, of American idol fame (say no more!) "For your entertainment". For some reason, it wouldn't rip so I played it on my Arcam DV79, which is a reasonable CDP. It sounded rather lifeless, boring and undynamic... which, to be fair, is not how he should sound. Finally, I managed to fully clean and rip the CD. We then replayed the album on the Linn DS...now a totally different story. It was full of vibrancy and life, attention grabbing if you will; yet had lost none of the musicality. There is no doubt in my mind that streaming is the way to go at the moment...though looking further into the future, who knows.