DAC/Amp for Q Acoustics 2020i


New member
Jun 24, 2013
Hello. After some research on the internet for some serious good speakers for my desktop PC I have decided to go with the Q Acoustics 2020i. I would like to buy a DAC for this and found the Audioengine D1 that is not that expensive. Also I would need an amp to power thees, but not sure what to get.

I also considered the audioengine a5+ to go with the DAC D1 for which I would not the need to buy an AMP but I don't really like to open looks of the a5+, and also they look bigger then the 2020i.

Any suqestions how I can power my 2020i witouth breaking the bank??

If you have somewhere to hide it, try this.....


Behringer A500, 125wpc, £140.

That will make your 2020i sit up and take notice.....*yahoo*

is the Behringer A500 only a powerful amp or does it sound good as well ?

It has been used on a number of occasions as the low cost amplifier in A/B tests against quite expensive alternatives, most famously here.

A reasonably fair third party appraisal here.

The amp has been in production for more than 10years and the components will not be 'boutique hi-fi' quality/prices. However the performance figures are good enough to suggest that the A500 will be 'audibly transparent' in all but the most revealing systems and far from the limiting factor in any budget system.

It will work and work well, the issue is where do you hide the ugly ******...!


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