I think you're missing the point. There will always be a better pre-amp out there than the one under discussion (whatever that may be), so anybody who asks a question on here, you could reply with "change your pre". I could recommend a Classe CP800, and yes, it'll be better, but in this case that isnt really helping the OP in his quest to drive the speakers properly. Rick always recommends something else when someone has a Cyrus pre, regardless, whether it be their entry level one, or their top of the range DACxp+ (with or without PSX-R).
The DACxp+ has been improved a couple of times in the past 5 years, and Rick hasn't been a Cyrus dealer since he started Musicraft, so he hasn't had any meaningful hands on time with the product (if at all). Not only that, but if he doesn't deal with these recommended brands, it is unlikely he has compared them directly. Once again, an invitation is open to those who want to pop along to hear how good the DACxp+ really is.
If anyone had heard a DACxp+, they will know that this pre-amp IS more than good enough for use with the Mono X200 and Mono X300 power amplifiers, and is at home in a full Cyrus system running revealing speakers costing £10,000-20,000 (as well as a more simple Cyrus system). That is not the sign of a pre-amplifier that needs to be changed.
I have heard the DACxp+ compared to other pre-amplifiers, and we feel it is better than the Bryston BP26, which is around the £4.5k mark. The Bryston itself isn't an under par product, which says a lot for the DACxp+.
It just winds me up when someone states that a product isn't good enough, when they don't really know whether it is or not.