cyrus advice


New member
Jul 21, 2011
currently with the cyrus cdi and the 8a, considering changing to the cd xt signature cd and the dac xp signature, can anybody offer advice on this being a finacially worthwhile upgrade?.
ivang666 said:
currently with the cyrus cdi and the 8a, considering changing to the cd xt signature cd and the dac xp signature, can anybody offer advice on this being a finacially worthwhile upgrade?.

Many moons ago I went from an 8VS2 to a DAC XP+ partnered with an X-Power. This was a significant upgrade. What power amplification will you be using or are you going to keep the 8a and use the XP as a DAC only? Can you actually do that?

The CD XT Signature I have had on home demo more recently. I got bored of it not recognising my discs and sent it back to my dealer in the end... It did however sound great when it/my CD's worked.
ivang666 said:
currently with the cyrus cdi and the 8a, considering changing to the cd xt signature cd  and the dac xp signature, can anybody offer advice on this being a finacially worthwhile upgrade?.

I don't honestly think such an expense for digital is financially worthwhile these days when there are DAC'S available for substantially less which are technically superior to most that was available regardless of price just 3 years or so back.

Mine is an assumption though and you may well feel different.

I use cyrus and have done so for a fair long time which is somewhat reflected in my elderly system. I chose not to go beyond a simple system of integrated, cd player and a couple of PSX-R's even though I tried permutations of
power amplifiers, pre-amp and separate cyrus DAC, the latter of which I nearly bought once second hand because of matching looks and connectivity. I found that the simple cyrus systems sound more coherent, fast and fun. The more I added it just got less enjoyable ... more hifi but that's just me.

Back to the OP, I don't know what connections you require for your digital but perhaps try some less expensive solutions first?

I think the digital gap has probably closed beyond anything else in Hifi and I personally would spend the money elsewhere.
There is a stream xp on eBay now for £525 or best offer. That might be worth a look? Combine that with an x-power (also second hand) then you would be looking at a cracking system core for under a grand...
Inatead I would change the cdi to the cd t I am not sure that the cd xt signature will made a huge impact for mid-level system as yours ,pure cd transport will always be better than CDP if you have good DAC so I should consider DAC upgrade but as advised by others there is much better and cheaper options than the dac xp signature you should explore around.
By the way you didn't tell us what is your speakers?
Just be sure to use really cheap interconnects, preferably fashioned from old coathangers, to satisfy all the naysayers. ;-)