Cyrus 8a and new ATC Scm 7 pairing?


New member
Mar 10, 2014
Hi there, long time reader, first time poster

I am currently demoing a cyrus 8a and the old ATC Scm 7s, however the old Scm 7s are not available to purchase.

I love the detail provided by the cyrus ATC pairing, would the new Scm 7 be suited to the 8a?

I ask because on the ATC website the recommended power rating for the new Scm range has increased from 50 to 75 watts, and the cyrus being only 70 watt.

I don't play music at anything approaching disco levels. moderate to low levels generally.

Cheers for any future advice 🙂
Hi ironcast

If you're not after disco like levels then i can't see why the Cyrus 8a would not be enough for ATC's curved SCM7 monitors. Fwiw, i've used a NAD C325BEE amplifier (50w/ch) on and off with curved SCM7's since last August and so far the C325BEE has not shown a white flag.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
Hi Musicraft,

Thank you very much for you reply, to be honest I was hoping you might reply as I have read a lot of your posts in the past and always found them insightful.

I am looking forward to building this new system, only I hope that I dont get hooked on the cyrus upgrade/extra box path, as it could lead to financial and mental ruin.

Had you indicated that the 8a was slightly underpowered for the curved SCM 7s I would have inquired about the benefit of adding the power amplifer, so at least for now it gives me piece of mind (until upgradeitis kicks in)

the old SCM 7s are excellent, and preferd them over the Kef LS50, hopefully when i hear the new version I will be equally impressed.

It depends on how loud you listen really, the SCM7s are quite easy to drive, they just are very in-efficient so require a decent powered amp only really if you need to go loud.

I used my pair with a variety of amps and unless I was really going for it the best match was an Audiolab 8200A, it was bettered by a pair of 8200MBs but then that was only really noticable at higher volumes.

Personally I would not go for the Cyrus/ATC pairing (thats just me) but it should work fine :grin:

An odball choice would be a Quad Elite Stereo or 909 Power amp that can be had S/H or Ex-Demo quite cheap, or if you are lucky a Bryston B-60 which again, if you dont play loud should be fine.

The Musical Fidelity M3i seems well reviewed as well, and probably a good choice but its a long time since I have heard an MF amp though.

There are various other amps I would recommend for around the same price of a Cyrus 8a but most would be second hand, and less easy to demo.
You need an xpower to get substantially more power than that from the 8 (or a couple of the older power amplifiers in bridged mode).

Why not just try for a while and see if you actually need/use the extra. Most listening is done with only a few watts.

Personally, the sweet spot in cyrus's portfolio has always been the 8 series (plus PSX-R). Once you get into pre-power etc there are other brands that are also worth considering.

As to box collecting ... get your hands on a MK1 Hark rack (much nicer than the MK2) and see them multiply. Gorgeous 🙂

Just being curious, but if you are demoing a pair of the old ones....would it not be possible to buy the demo pair?

Anyway, that wasn't your question! For what it's worth, I've got a pair of ATC SCM11s and they are driven by a Cyrus X Power, which is 70W like your 8a. I agree with your views on the detail on offer - they are still making me smile some years after I bought them. In terms of the power, can't say that has ever been an issue for me - sometimes the amp gets a bit warm when I give it a proper thrashing, but it goes very loud, and the bass really digs deep without distortion.

So my guess is you won't have a problem at all.

Upgraditis, now that's a different matter entirely! Cyrus lure you in with all sorts of ways to acquire more boxes. Luckily there is a great second hand market so you can keep your costs down quite nicely if you want to start a shoebox collection.
Just being curious, but if you are demoing a pair of the old ones....would it not be possible to buy the demo pair?

Anyway, that wasn't your question! For what it's worth, I've got a pair of ATC SCM11s and they are driven by a Cyrus X Power, which is 70W like your 8a. I agree with your views on the detail on offer - they are still making me smile some years after I bought them. In terms of the power, can't say that has ever been an issue for me - sometimes the amp gets a bit warm when I give it a proper thrashing, but it goes very loud, and the bass really digs deep without distortion.

So my guess is you won't have a problem at all.

Upgraditis, now that's a different matter entirely! Cyrus lure you in with all sorts of ways to acquire more boxes. Luckily there is a great second hand market so you can keep your costs down quite nicely if you want to start a shoebox collection.
Thanks to all for the advice,

with regards buying the demo pair, I would feel a tad exposed to not have the full warranty in my name, even at discount price. I'm a glutton for security.

(The dealer had't realise that there was limited stock on the old SCMs when I got the pair to demo)

glad to hear that the 8a shouldn't have any difficulties at reasonable levels with the new SCMs. I had demoed a number of other amps including the roksan caspian but its neutrality and insight just shone through. It was an astounding step up from my budget Nad. love it.

I will take the advice to avoid upgradeitis for as long as possible...unless...unless......uuunnnleesssss 🙂

I will report back as soon as I get the combo together.

You *should* be getting the full warranty, it runs from first registration and there's no reason why the dealer would have registered it.
hi BenLaw

never new that/thought of it that way, I will certainly be making a call in the morning.

Cheers for that
I bought Rick's demo ATC C2 sub, I think several years after they ceased to be widely available and it was certainly the case with that.
+1. I bought my SCM11s ex-demo from somewhere in scotland....can't remember the dealership but came with full warranty no problems. Although it's hard to imagine what could go wrong with them they look like they are built to last for a lifetime!


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