Creek Headphone Amp


New member
Aug 10, 2019

does anyone have an experience with either of these headphone amps Creek OBH21 or Creek OBH21SE, was just wondering if the SE if worth an extra £90 over the original

Any thoughts appreciated
I have the OBH21SE paired up with some Sennheiser HD600's. The results are very good - source is a Cyrus CD8x.

The OBH21SE has superior components and the external power supply. Music is clear and dynamic. Some say the OBH21SE lacks bass, but I've never had any issues with this. I also have some Grado SR60's and these are great through the amp too.

If you're going with the OBH I'd go for the SE version. You should be able to pick a new one up for about £250 or a used one for £150-180.

Hope this help.


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