Crackling knobs!


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Sorry for the dodgy title. What is the best way to fix a volume knob tha tcrackles a bit when turned? The same with the tone contol bypass button? Any advice greatly recieved.
Ive read about this before when I had the same problem with my old Roksan Kandy volume pot.

I attempted to move the volume from 0 to 100 (all the way around and back several times), in order to remove any dirt/dust from the pot. Of course only attempt this with the amplifier turned off, as you could blow it up otherwise.

Im afraid this sounds as if the volume pot is to blame though, they only last so can use a cleaning spray by taking off the case and applying it directly to the voulme control pot in the hope of removing trapped dirt. You should consult a professional before doing so.

Is the tone control knob crackling too when moved? If so the same lubricant/spray should be used.

If this does not work then I would recommend replacing both pots. How old is the device in question? Im guessing it is the Nad C370...(great amp btw
use deoxit ... can be bought off ebay and very easy to use .... search using google

if you don't want to do it yourself, a good electrictronics shop/technician will charge £15-£20