Converting my Naim 5i cd/amp to receive wireless streaming


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I currently have a Naim 5 i italic amp/CD player and have started to accumulate a lot of music on my new computer. I have an ipod, which is connected to my Naim amp via the tape input, to enable playback of my digital files. However, the sound quality is not up to scratch vs. the naim CD player (as you'd expect). How could I modify my current set up to receive my digital files wirelessly so that I can listen to my digital files without taking a hit on sound quality?
I have not looked into DAC's before. What kind of price range should I look at to do my system justice? How much difference do they make?
For a computer-based system, a good amount.

I would say that (lossless files being taken as read) an iTunes>Airport Express>Beresford TC7510 system will comfortably compete and in most cases better a £5-600 CD player.

It doesn't really matter what system the iTunes is running on, as iTunes bypasses the internal sound config and streams directly to the AE.

Given that the Airport Express/Beresford combo is around £200, that makes it a bargain IMHO.

You can see from my sig what my Beresford is running into - and it certainly doesn't disgrace itself.

Unrelated to the thread but can I ask you about your Linn deck and how it compares to your Roksan Radius?

Factoring in the price differences how would you quantify the upgrade?


Please disregard if you didn't previously own the Roksan deck. My memory ain't what it use to be . . .


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