Contentious and Pointless

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coolaboola:this is turning into the M,A appreciation society.Tomorrow I guarantee will see a wave of begrudgers cribbin about how the m.a metal tweeters are harsh and bass is sloppy,yadda yadda yadda.One thing I love about this website is it don't lack on the opinion or on the experience side.

Not cribbin just a slant away from MAs. Focal,Revel and Usher,all sound superb with primare gear. Electra 1027be maybe my next upgrade or the 1037be if my polly is feeling generous for my birthday !! (doubt it tho). Spent a good few hours last week with the new utopias, jawdropping sound,relationship breaking price (now theres a thought !! ).
I almost regret coming across online hifi fora but I am sucker for gear-chat 🙂

I have weaned myself off hifi mags now they have served their purpose. I was buying HFN and WHF for a few months before, during and after my purchases this year. But they have now all been recycled or given to a friend who is into good hifi as well.

I stay away from our local dealership (an Audio-T) unless I am buying. I don't want to be thought a time-waster.

At least - on the few occasions I do go there - they know I am probably going to buy something (even if only some cables). I sometimes go with with my 'hifi friend' on his forays to listen with him but he is a serious buyer also. (He has spent about £3k in the same dealership in the last year.)

I don't think any dealer minds customers hanging around talking b#ll##ks if there is a very good chance they are going to leave with product afterwards!
One speaker manufacturer? It has to be, all the way from Northridge California, Big Orange itself, JBL.
The one brand all the others wish they were.

There, that should give you plenty to get into 😉
I'll suggest Living Voice as a manufacturer of great speakers.

I've never seen them mentioned in WHF. A review is overdue..
Look at my sig and tell me you'd be surprised if I said anything other than B&W.

From 300s throught to 801Ds. Quality prevails.
The last time I did this (earlier this year) I listened to three pairs only until I found ones I really liked. I liked them so much I did not see the point in auditioning any more. The idea of spending valuable free time trawling around endless dealers trying to hear everything would be a nightmare for me.

I am a simple soul. Find something I like (and can afford) then buy it and enjoy it. I expect there are better speakers - for the same money - out there somewhere. This does not trouble me. The ones I have now have so much potential that they will survive the next few upgrades of sources and/or amp.

More than I managed Chebby - last time round I went for the Missions on the strength of the WHF review and the character of the 751s previous! Bit of a risk, but ten years later, maybe even eleven, they're as good as they ever were. Still have great sound, have withstood a few changes to the system over the time but still do a fine job of expressing the music well.
Maybe it's this 'i' business, see I had 734's with no 'i'. I know the range was improved with the release of these so they must have been improved a lot.

Also, this range was the first 'proper hifi' speakers that I had bought as well whilst my knowledge was very limited so maybe I never got the best out of them......hmmmm......
I have to say I am more impressed with my Dalis by the day. Wonderful speakers for the money, although I do hanker after some big ProAcs,

Im a big B&W fan. Ive Had Mission, Kefs, Neats, Mordaunt Shorts and Monitor auidio in my time but been happiest with the B&W sound. Quality products and i feel their sound is "right" for me. I currently have 805S and i no doubt will experiment in the future as i have done in the past with other makes (id like proac to be my next set) but at the moment the bowers top my list. Also the one time i did have a problem (685s) The customer service was superb and something other companies ive used should aspire to.
Messiah:Quite surprised you went down to the 73 range after the 75 range. Personally found the 75 range much better but each to their own eh!!

Well, divorce took care of who got the 751 Freedoms, so they stayed with the ex...that was 12 years back though. A couple of years later, I saw the 733i review and it was a beauty. I think some KEF or B&Ws were flavour of the month, but the Missions excelled with all types of music.

Incidentally, the originall 733s had a, I think, metal tweeter. The "i" version replaced that with a soft tweeter. Not sure of the material, but it's not presumably as harsh. The 751s were superb speakers right enough; played like a dream and very analytical. Rocked like a winner too...!
Messiah:Yeah it was definitely the higher frequencies I felt could have been improved....
Mission's eventual downfall I think...
Revolver Music 3. For the money, the best for me sound wise under £1000
raypalmer:Messiah:Yeah it was definitely the higher frequencies I felt could have been improved....
Mission's eventual downfall I think...

To be honest I would like to know what happened to a company that most have sold shed loads of speakers from the 73, 75 and 78 series. I think they were bought out but did the engineers leave or something?? Anyone know what led to their demise??
I have the MABR2's which I am really impressed with for the money.

However, my dear old dad has a pair of ProAc Tablettes bought back in the day (very early eighties) that were residing in his loft. I borrowed them for a while I was raising the cash for my speakers and the sound on those just blew me away. I've yet to hear anything that comes close - I guess partly because i've not auditioned anything out of my price range. But for me - they are the tops!
Tannoy for me, but stick to the Prestige or TD range.

PMC: like having knitting needles hammered into your ears.

MA: same but sharpen the knitting needles.

Mission: put an enamel bucket over your head and bang it with a stick.


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