Over the past few months one has split listening fairly equaly between CD, Spotify and Vinyl, as one who generaly prefers analogue, I am puzzled . . . One is getting a pleasant listening experiance from all mediums? True, not all albums are good, but the good'ns are a pleasure. So, why do I seem to go againts the trend, the general concensus is a 'downer' on CD and Spotify, with vinyl, unacceptably noisey to the modern ear and the mechanical peculiarities being a faff and dificult to set up.
Ignor viny for now. A dilemer I puzzled over, then one had a spark, compression is the enamy of all modern recording for the masses, encouraged by poor reproduction methods and marketing engines of the recording industry.
Most of my listenig is from recordings that pre date 'excesive compression as standard'. So I have CD's that are good, even very good, I have a lot that are dogs as well! Most of my Spotfy listening is also old, 1980's and befor. There is always talk of the sample rate . . . ? sorry I cant hear a problem, I use the 'Unlimited' service, which I find excelent in all respects. There are poor offereing, but the good stuff I put on my play list, which is quite long. Some that dateing back to the 40's, most have been remasterd, but not all, sensative remastering I find very listenable retaining reality and atmospere that is not on modern compresion flattened recordings.
The way I see it, modern recording are so often compressed for the benefit of media, these are then offered for down load, still compressed . . . they then have their praises sung by the down loaders, saying that the verious down load mediums are so good, but they are still compressed? . . . requiring volume to get any dynamic into them. Compresion chops dynamic . . . ?
True, some artists seem to undrstand and issue what appear to be less compressed albums? I buy very little modern music, generaly not to my tast and often lacking in clarity, another problem of compression?
Vinyl is a special case, out moded as a reproduction method, they say? . . . but IMHO, still superior if the recording is a good'un, the turntable is set up right and of resonable quality, quality in the rest of the system is applicable to whatever medium is used. Vintage vinyl pre dates excess compresion as standard, I'm taking 25+ years as vintage. Modern vinyl, from what I read is variable, some is 'me to, band wagon foda' not worth the effort, or the price, some is a genuine attempt at quality . . . all is expensive, some excesivly so I believe.
CD's, I'm not sure, I have a few modern silver frisbies that I like a lot, a good few that are OK if I feel lazy or thats the only one avaliable. But the good'ns are very good, different, but very good. Something I have noticed, the introduction of full valve amplification into my system has seemed to help, especialy on Spotify and some CD's?
One has no technical explanation for the above, they are 'observation and thoughts'. I am sure there will be loads of reasons why not, and that I am talking out of my ****. Be that as it may, the facts for me are; some excelent quality music can be had on Spotify and CD, there are dogs in all mediums including vinyl and we need to be honest with ourselfs as to what is good and what is a dog, may even be, 'why is it a dog'?
There you go, coments and your eperiances. . . ?
Ignor viny for now. A dilemer I puzzled over, then one had a spark, compression is the enamy of all modern recording for the masses, encouraged by poor reproduction methods and marketing engines of the recording industry.
Most of my listenig is from recordings that pre date 'excesive compression as standard'. So I have CD's that are good, even very good, I have a lot that are dogs as well! Most of my Spotfy listening is also old, 1980's and befor. There is always talk of the sample rate . . . ? sorry I cant hear a problem, I use the 'Unlimited' service, which I find excelent in all respects. There are poor offereing, but the good stuff I put on my play list, which is quite long. Some that dateing back to the 40's, most have been remasterd, but not all, sensative remastering I find very listenable retaining reality and atmospere that is not on modern compresion flattened recordings.
The way I see it, modern recording are so often compressed for the benefit of media, these are then offered for down load, still compressed . . . they then have their praises sung by the down loaders, saying that the verious down load mediums are so good, but they are still compressed? . . . requiring volume to get any dynamic into them. Compresion chops dynamic . . . ?
True, some artists seem to undrstand and issue what appear to be less compressed albums? I buy very little modern music, generaly not to my tast and often lacking in clarity, another problem of compression?
Vinyl is a special case, out moded as a reproduction method, they say? . . . but IMHO, still superior if the recording is a good'un, the turntable is set up right and of resonable quality, quality in the rest of the system is applicable to whatever medium is used. Vintage vinyl pre dates excess compresion as standard, I'm taking 25+ years as vintage. Modern vinyl, from what I read is variable, some is 'me to, band wagon foda' not worth the effort, or the price, some is a genuine attempt at quality . . . all is expensive, some excesivly so I believe.
CD's, I'm not sure, I have a few modern silver frisbies that I like a lot, a good few that are OK if I feel lazy or thats the only one avaliable. But the good'ns are very good, different, but very good. Something I have noticed, the introduction of full valve amplification into my system has seemed to help, especialy on Spotify and some CD's?
One has no technical explanation for the above, they are 'observation and thoughts'. I am sure there will be loads of reasons why not, and that I am talking out of my ****. Be that as it may, the facts for me are; some excelent quality music can be had on Spotify and CD, there are dogs in all mediums including vinyl and we need to be honest with ourselfs as to what is good and what is a dog, may even be, 'why is it a dog'?
There you go, coments and your eperiances. . . ?