Cleaning LZD85


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I've got a 37" LZD85 & an 11 month old son- not a great combination! He's managed to get handprints all over the screen & we were told when the set was delivered, not to clean it with a damp cloth or similar! Can anyone suggest an alternative way to clean it?!
Did you get a cleaning cloth with the TV? If so then just yse it as they are pretty good. If not then a damp cloth is perfectly ok as long as you don't put any sort of cleaning solution on it. Just a clean damp cloth followed by a dry microfibre cloth to dry it.
hi weela theres alot of products that are out to clean and protect your screen theres a particular one that iv'e got for dusting my girlfriends lcd which is a duster which has mircofibres and soft material which comes with a extendible handle i find is brilliant for taking care of the dust issues its so soft that its impossible to scratch the frame or screen of your tv.Theres also a special cleaning fluid which comes with a microfibre cloth. What you do is lightly spray the solution on your tv screen and then use the suppllied cloth while following instructions and then gently wipe your screen its good for getting unwanted finger prints off hope the information helps.
Thanks for reply. What's the name of the cleaning fluid & microfiber cloth/ where do I get it?!
Use a good quality microfibre cloth with a light misting of cooled boiled water on it. I keep a bottle with a sprayer full of cooled boiled water for this purpose. Always spray onto cloth and never onto tv though and only enough to very slightly dampen it.
weela for the duster it is made buy pledge you get a extendable handle with two fluffy microfibre dusters which you put on to the handle you can also buy a pack of four refills trust me for any one who hates dust sitting on thir screens this a must and a very good investment in making your screen look its best i got it from waitrose but im sure tescos or any type of supermarket should stock these they usually reside in the household / cleaning isle. As for the cleaning soloution philips do one which comes with a microfiber cloth cleaning fluid and special type of sponge with a handle on it you can definately get this from argos and im sure maplins do this to i hope this helps you.


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