
New member
Aug 10, 2019
I see from a Press Release that Warner Bros are releasing QUO VADIS as a 2 disc Special Edition DVD in January. They are NOT, however, releasing it on Blu Ray, even though it's already out in France (together with GIGI and AN AMERICAN IN PARIS).
While none of these are in the top 10 movies of all time (we can argue about AMERICAN....), they are all classic 50's Technicolor movies produced on fine grain stock which would all look terrific on Blu.
My question is 'Why do Warners think the UK doesn't deserve these movies? Can we only be trusted to buy MAMMA MIA or HANCOCK?'
Maybe Clare could kick some Studio ass......
We went through all of this in the early days of DVD - I know, because I was editing DVD Magazine at the time!

There's often big problems with licensing and distribution - just because Warners has the right to release a title in the US, it doesn't mean they have the same rights in Europe. All down to deals done years ago - sometimes as early as theatrical release.

Eventually things tend to get sorted out - usually about the time they've remastered a title for a new format and want to recoup the costs on a global level!

So we're going to have to be patient - after all, it took some classics (such as Casablanca) ages to appear on DVD. And for the modern-classics fans among you, look how long it took Star Wars to emerge on DVD (and its Blu-ray debut still looks some way off).
You should consider importing the title/s from any number of e-tailers. There are sites which provide information on region coding. It would seem that a lot of titles, especially catalogue titles appear to be region free on Blu-ray.

A good example would be Blade Runner.
Cheers, Clare. Always a swift reply.
These movies are owned by Warners, however. They came to them when Warners acquired (most) of the MGM library.
Warners have the original film elements and they've paid for the remaster, which is what's coming out on DVD, in lower res. We're at the point you note. They have remastered and they do need to recoup.
In any case, if they're releasing on DVD in the UK, then they CAN release on BD if they wish. They just don't want to.
Maybe they don't think it's worth having to produce/package/distribute a European version (including language support) for the number they'd expect to sell of those specific titles. After all, other than the minority of us who like classic movies AND have an HD set-up, there's probably not that much demand on BD. The US, however, is a much, much bigger market (and already has higher HD take-up. And they don't need to worry about those pesky language things).
And i'm sure "my leeetle friend' will make it to HD before long - because Scarface has a somewhat larger potential audience (plus a demographic that's more likely to be early adopters of Blu-ray) than Quo Vadis....
I think you're right, Clare.
Warners have made the decision that the UK is not significant enough a market to warrant releasing these titles on the format. It's that idea that annoys me. All we are worth are the latest mega-releases. Bah!
Remember, though. I'm not talking about the US, or a different region. These films are available now in France (Region B, like us), with full European language support. Oh, and no censor issues. One disc really would fit all. So why not?
Anyway, given that are doing a 3 for 2 on these titles it's a no-brainer, isn't it? We'd be charged £25 a pop here anyway.....
Imagine if they decided to Bring out Taxi Driver on Blu-Ray, now that would be an essential buy.

"Someday, a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets".

Travis Bickle (1976).

Imagine if they decided to Bring out Taxi Driver on Blu-Ray, now that would be an essential buy.

"Someday, a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets".

Travis Bickle (1976).

You're in luck - it's coming in February 2009.
Casca:I see from a Press Release that Warner Bros are releasing QUO VADIS as a 2 disc Special Edition DVD in January. They are NOT, however, releasing it on Blu Ray, even though it's already out in France (together with GIGI and AN AMERICAN IN PARIS).

Couldn't you just order them from ?
Dont forget the legend Jake Lamotta, when will he be making an appearance on blu???
I will order it from, Andrew.
My point is one of principal. It really tees me off that The Studios think that we in the UK are simply not worth bothering about, and only care about 'the biggies'. Which, incidentally is what the guys in the Home Entertainment departments of The Studios believe, too. All they care about are the titles that are going to do well in any case. That's how they achieve their targets.
I know this first hand, sadly.
FWIW some of those titles aren't even on sale in the States yet - for some reason France seems to have a more fanatical film culture than here, and had a much larger range of Laserdiscs than we ever got here (as I discovered in a Paris branch of FNAC many many years ago) and the same when it came to DVD releases of classics.


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