cheyworth said:It's either the 1200C or an SPA 1032 @ £1600, or a Krell SPA 1032 @ £1800.
Any advice please.
shooter69 said:I use Chord amplification.
No doubt it will be a step up on the Arcam.
If you want transparency, speed and true Class A/B grit, Chord is the answer!
Just a note: those Mosfet's run hot make sure you give the amp room..
cheyworth said:It's either the 1200C or an SPA 1032 @ £1600, or a Krell SPA 1032 @ £1800.
Any advice please.
I am looking for a more powerful sound, with good deep bass but well controlled. I don't listen loud that often (only when next door are away) so must be good at lower levels.
I like a good soundstage with a balanced sound. Music is anything from Ryan Adams/Norah Jones to The Prodigy/Beastie Boys, Classical/Queen to Massive Attack/Rage gainst the Machine.