Chord over Arcam?


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2008
I am thinking of changing my Arcam P1's to a Chord SMP-1200C (which I can get for under £2,500).

Will the Chord be a good match for my Monitor Audio GS60's?

I have heard that Chord with metal dome tweeters can sound harsh.

cheyworth said:
It's either the 1200C or an SPA 1032 @ £1600, or a Krell SPA 1032 @ £1800.

Any advice please.


If you can get the SPA 1032 for that money, get it ASAP. 330W into 8 ohms with a Monstrous power supply and terrifying amount of current make for an awesome match with your GS60s. The frequency handling of that SPA1032 is also incredible, if I recall correctly, as it was designed to be a studio power amplifier. Chord stuff is known for being incredibly good, at that price I wouldn't hesitate to buy it myself.
Hi cheyworth

For me it would have to be the Chord Electronics SPM1200C :bigsmile: The Chord will be a big upgrade over the P1.

Btw, i use Chord Electronics amplification with Monitor Audio speakers and i've not found this pairing to to sound harsh.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
I use Chord amplification.

No doubt it will be a step up on the Arcam.

If you want transparency, speed and true Class A/B grit, Chord is the answer!

Just a note: those Mosfet's run hot make sure you give the amp room..
shooter69 said:
I use Chord amplification.

No doubt it will be a step up on the Arcam.

If you want transparency, speed and true Class A/B grit, Chord is the answer!

Just a note: those Mosfet's run hot make sure you give the amp room..

One more reason to go with the 1032 has cropped up there, it's basically a studio version of the 1200c. That means it has fans on it, keeping it cooler wherever it's situated.
I am looking for a more powerful sound, with good deep bass but well controlled. I don't listen loud that often (only when next door are away) so must be good at lower levels. The P1's have been great but sometimes don't have the grip on the speakers I would like.

I like a good soundstage with a balanced sound. Music is anything from Ryan Adams/Norah Jones to The Prodigy/Beastie Boys, Classical/Queen to Massive Attack/Rage gainst the Machine.

cheyworth said:
It's either the 1200C or an SPA 1032 @ £1600, or a Krell SPA 1032 @ £1800.

Any advice please.


That should have said Krell KSA-200S for £1800.

Is the 1200C really worth an extra £900?

I am looking for a more powerful sound, with good deep bass but well controlled. I don't listen loud that often (only when next door are away) so must be good at lower levels.

You wont have any problems with the Chord bass, it's deep, taut and it slam's. And low volumes are no problem but they do like to work hard and playing loud they will if you want. I use Totem Mani II Sigs which are a hard drive for many an amp but the Chord pushes them too and over the edge. Loads of watts and more importantly loads of current.

I like a good soundstage with a balanced sound. Music is anything from Ryan Adams/Norah Jones to The Prodigy/Beastie Boys, Classical/Queen to Massive Attack/Rage gainst the Machine.


Same musical tastes to me bar the classical stuff and Norah Jones is one of my favourite female artists, she has such a beautiful voice and the Chord makes her sound so wonderful.

Is the Krell better value at £900 less? I don't know the answer to that, ive never heard a Krell or know what the Krell sound is so will have to pass it on.
The sound of the Chord and the Krell are rather similar. The absolute best for the GS60's would probably be the Krell. The most notable feature of the Krell is that the imaging is just top notch.

I'd say however, it comes down to whether you want to risk buying a bit of kit so old. That said however, the Krell power amps are built like tanks.

Either way, everything mentioned is a good upgrade from the P1's.
I will try and get a demo of the 1200C in the next week or two, and then hopefully get the cash together and make the purchase. I am now 30 and am wanting an amp that will last me the next 20+ years, but I am still planning to win the Euro Millions this Friday

Hi Chris

The Chord is a VERY different sound to Arcam (and one that I personally don't get on with), so audition carefully.

Other possible choices you might consider are - Musical Fidelity M6, Electrocompaniet and Leema.

I am unsure on what to do. Stereo Hi-Fi takes the priority for me so what to do.....

Current system see sig, I also have an Onkyo SR876 sat doing nothing.

Do I.....

1) Stay as I am/ get a new stereo power amp to replace the Arcam P1's. (Selling the Onkyo/P1's)

2) Use the Onkyo for surround, fed into a new power amp/or new integrated amp (for L/R channels). Selling NAD T175, and all four Arcams.

3) Something different. Open to suggestions.

I have the kit listed below sell/keep plus a maximum of £1500 to spend.



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