Cheaper Alternative headphones to Grado sr60i - Want good sound quality (natural detailed sound)


New member
Jul 27, 2008
Hi all,

After feedback that the Grado sr60i might be to in yer face sound for me. I am looking at a cheaper alternative that has good sound quality. A nice open sound thats detailed yet natural which you can sit back and relax too. I had a look at the Goldring DR100 but that is $125 AUS at the moment which is more than the Grado sr60i.
Which is better Sennheiser HD201 or the 202 for sound quality? What other recommendations do people have?




Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
Hi, the HD201 is more realistic, the HD202 is bass heavy. Another contender is the AKG K44, which I think is more detailed than the HD201 and is my usual recommendation. Sweaty ears from the pads (usual with the cheaper end headphones as they use vinyl) is the only criticism I have.


New member
Jun 20, 2008
Haven't listened through my Grado's (the SR80i's) in quite a while but thought I'd give them a run out on the back of your previous thread. Didn't spin a CD but watched Beyonce's DVD, "I Am...World Tour" (overall pretty good damned PQ IMO, although my reference music DVD is the Stones, "Shine A Light", but that's a movie and I digress). Now yes, they CAN sound bright but IMO that is more dependent on the recording rather than the phones (and this DVD is bright), but it reminded me why I bought them in the first place. They are beautifully detailed, balanced, and totally involving. Now I know they're over budget but if there is any chance you could grab a listen, take it . And don't buy the Senn's, at least the 201's (they're rubbish, sorry IDC).


New member
Jul 27, 2008
Hi idc,

I took a risk and got the AKG K44. I got it for a special price. Pretty good sound. Its certiantly better than the Sennhesier HD 201 & 202. It also beats my other AKG K71. I have used it for about 3 hours, the first hour it was a little closed in and harsh. Now its quite balanced tonally, and the sound has opened up.

A short review:
I found it quite detailed overall, its strength is the midrange, smooth a little forward but quite smooth and natural sounding - voices and instruments are well done, rich yet dynamic. The bass is deep and solid but a little boomy - it be nice if it was a little tighter and detailed. The top end is detailed a little rolled off. A little bit sharp at times when pushed, but it remains clear, cymbals are nice to listen to. Seperation, dynamics and clarity are good. Soundstage is ok.

I have listened to Dianna Krall, Beyonce, Neil Diamond, Sting so far. On the equaliezer on the computer I took a couple db off the low and mid bass,the mids 1 db off, and the high top end up 2db. To my ears thats quite balanced tonally on those settings - for my ears anyway. Its quite comfortable to wear too - maybe a tad tight, and it isolates quite well from outside sounds.

Will it keep improving with burn in?

Thanks for the recommendations.




If you find them too "in yer face" (I don't), you can easily slide them forward a few millimeters, so that they don't perfectly center with your ears. I doubt you will find better than SR60i (or even close) at the same price (eventually Koss PortaPro could be tried).


New member
Jul 27, 2008
Hi idc or anyone,

One quick question how does the Grado sr60i compare with the AGK K44 soundwise?




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