Cheap turntable with PC speakers?


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I've recently got my hands on a load of old vinyls but at the moment don't have any means of playing them. Ideally I would love to treat myself to a decent Hi-fi to appreciate them properly but unfortunately don't have the funds.

I currently listen to most of my music via Spotify and iTunes through a set of Logitech speakers which I connect to my laptop with 3.5mm jack in the headphone socket.

Does anyone know whether I'd be able to plug my PC speakers directly into a turntable...? If so, which turntable have headphone sockets?

Thanks very much for your time!

A Hifi could be cheaper than you think...all 2nd hand of course, but...

Pioneer PL12d or Dual 505-2 turntable - £25
Replacement stylus for above (not optional!) - £15
Rotel 810/820 amplifier - £20
Wharfdale Diamond 9.0 speakers (RicherSounds) - £45.
Speaker Cable - £15

Grand total - £120, or roughly the same as one of those USB-thingies that will kill your vinyl.

You could shave £30 or so by buying some older speakers and using cheaper speaker cable...

EDIT* - Another solution could be a phono amp (RicherSounds do one for about £20) - you could plug your turntable into this (see above for my preferences), and then it would plug into your soundcard on the PC using a 3.5mm-RCA lead.

You would then also have the option to record the vinyl to CD/MP3 using a program like Audacity or similar.


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