Cheap Nagaoka & AT from Japan


New member
Nov 13, 2009
I have bought several Nagaoka form this guy in Japan - Audiokazu

sad to hear his plight.....

***Please let you know About Me…***
Thank you for a lot of kind messages for concerning about my health.I feel that I’m very happy man because everybody is always giving me courage, “you will get well soon!” .Thanks everyone!!! Thank you!!! My ill is depression. I have suffered from clinical depression for about 10 years ago.Four years ago, my symptom was the most serious level. Of course, I had to quit work. The other day, approximately four years ago, I lost consciousness suddenly at midnight and fell from the stairs of my house!!!As a result, I lost my sight on left eye and my nasal bone fractured. Oh, Jesus… Now, I am very much getting well considerably in comparison with the past. However, I have to taking a break working due to light depression and lost my eye sight. I have no income.Because, in my current physical disability, for me, it is not supported the money at all by the Japanese Government. So I need money for daily life… I'm very pleased if you could understand about my this situation! So that I have to rise Nagaoka’s prices in comparison with the past to stay alive well when I sell Nagaoka cart and stylus at the near future. I need for your helps and giving me courage…continuously. I hope I’ll be getting well and sell it again! Because I highly hope that everybody will be happy and enjoy listeng music with new cartridge and new stylus! I'm very pleased if you could understand about my this situation! Best Regards,Audiokazu - Kazuhito from Japan.
stevebrock said:
I have bought several Nagaoka form this guy in Japan - Audiokazu

sad to hear his plight.....

Very sad indeed, Steve. I used a different Japanese supplier for my Nags but Audiokazu has an international reputation on fora for being an excellent supplier and a great guy to deal with. My heart goes out to him.
Would you care to mention who you use now Doug ? You can tweet me at SteveBrocko if you don't want to post here
stevebrock said:
It's sending a message sort of on Twitter which is a social media platform Doug

Yeah I know, Steve, I was just jesting with ya *biggrin* I'm quite well informed about these things from the young guys at work. But I'm a dinosaur, the only thing I use my mobile phone for is an alarm clock, I loathe the damned things. As for Facebook, Twitter and the like I don't go there either.
Oh my, Steve, I wish I hadn't looked at your Twitter account.

Sorry to hear about Kazu, never managed to buy from him as he was in hospital at the time. Now I know why. Poor fellow. Hope things improve for him.


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