Chario Delphinus VS KEF R 300


New member
Mar 19, 2015
I am searching for a budget of 1000 euros pair of speakers.

I have read a lot of reviews and articles about KEF R 300 and the conclusion is that these are really great speakers.

I also read dithyrambs about the Chario Delphinus Constellation. I just can't clear up my mind about it's 4 Ohm impedance.

Would it be a problem for my Denon 4310 AV amp.

I want to use them as main speakers (R - L) to my HT set up.

Also in the near future i planning to buy an Integrated Amplifier to use it for music bypassing the AV receiver (such as an Exposure - Naim - Hegel - MF etc).

Can someone write their experience of these italian speakers?
These are pretty rare in the uk, though I do have some experience of the Chario Academy models of a few years ago.

These were smashing speakers the Millenium 1 and 2 had similar looks to Sonus Faber and excellent performance, solid wood cabinet work very reminiscent of SF, though Chario instigated that form of contruction.

The Dephinous series is a hybrid construction comparable to the SF Concerto series, and if they are up to the usual Chario standard I am sure they will be very good though I have not heard them.

One unusual point is that the speakers sit on coned feet that spaces the speaker about 20mm off the top of the stand, this is important as the speaker is bottom ported, very unusual.
I think that Chario and Sonus Faber are like Rotel and Arcam or Cambridge Audio and Musical Fidelity. Same country, pretty same products, prices, quality etc.

I'm just wondering if it would be a risk for my Denon 4310 or for a future Intergrated Amp their 4 Ohm of impedance?

Also it's difficult to meet people who owned speakers like Chario or Sonus Faber than B&W or KEF.
I have owned Sonus Faber and know Chario Academy series pretty well, they are both quality products but SF are established as a top brand in the uk and Chario really do not have the range or reputation to compete.

I can not really advise beyond this, just generalities that the SF, Chario and R300 are quality speakers that will respond to good amplifications, I have never had great results from AVRs irrespective of price or reputation, so would not go that route personally.

Good amplifiers will deal with 4 ohm speakers without problems, best choice will probably depend on pricing in your particular market.


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