Celestion System 6000 & SL600si - Amplification Advice Required - Please !

Hello & welcome (to this madhouse)!

Amplification would indeed be a good idea - & that system will need good amplification with plenty of current capacity to work well. The other thing you need to consider is budget & whether or not to buy new. Although rather long in the tooth, Celestion were well ahead of the time by using interferometry to aid the design of the drivers, starting with their SL6s which I still own. but rarely use these days.
Cool speakers and when set up properly are very enjoyable in the long term - Various blogs reveal many people regret selling.

I have my SL6 and 6000 pairing running with Rogue Audio valve pre and power amplifiers (99 magnum pre and 2x 88 magnums) which they love and this gives a tremendous soundstage and an excellent tactile "live" quality to music. I have successfully added the Townsend super tweeters which brings extra sparkle at the top end.

I previosuly ran them harnessed to a pair of old Meridian Class AA power amps (70W) which are now long since gone.

Also had them paired with Cyrus power amps in the past although this was less sucessful than the others.

Using the 6000s means that lower octaves go to the dipole subs and this substantially opens up the dynamics and further expands the imaging capability of the power hungry SL600s. Do remember they need plenty of power to give of their very best.

You do not mention a target budget but if you are going down a solid state route then think Krell-like quality and current delivery.

My vote would be for high quality valve based power amplifiers with very well made transformers and capable of producing over 50 watts


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