cdp + dacmagic


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Does anyone have any experience as to whether you think adding a DAC such as a DacMgic would improve the sound considerably or not much if I was to connect it to my cd player (CA 340C)?
The degree that sound changes and improves is completely subjective, one man's subtle is another man's OMG! So nobody can answer your question for you.

I did add a high quality external DAC to my budget CDP and in my opinion, the difference was well worth the asking price of the DAC.
Hi Inter 84,

This is an interesting question and one I asked myself several months ago. I purchased the DACMagic to help send music from my laptop to studio monitor speakers. One first purchasing them I was curious to the difference and placed them within my hifi system. As my CD Player had optical out I was able to test the DAC with all other factors being the same. Did I notice a difference. Yes a very small amount of difference and based more on the filter I chose within the DAC. On one of the settings there was absolutely no difference at all. Would I recommend the purchase? This is hard to say, if I had been purchasing solely to replace the DAC in my CD player then I would have been disappointed however as I was purchasing to replace the DAC within my laptop it was well worth spending.

Hope this helps 🙂
Yeah it does nshah, thanks for your response. I'll think I'll save the money for an amp upgrade in the future 🙂 Which cd player did you connect the dacmagic to?
I tested the DAC with my Musical Fidelity CD player, it's not a new player and probably close to seven years old now so I was expecting there to be a difference.

Oh there was one other point, I forgot to add. When I was using 192Khz files at 24bit (downloaded some to test) I did notice a big difference, however I didn't really test this much further to understand the cause as at this point in time very little music outside the classical and jazz world is available in this format.
Inter 84:
Does anyone have any experience as to whether you think adding a DAC such as a DacMgic would improve the sound considerably or not much if I was to connect it to my cd player (CA 340C)?

I added a DACMagic to my Primare D20 and it sounded exactly the same.
Hi Inter84,

I think it's as jaxwired has hinted. All this is very very subjective. In my case it didn't make a difference in his it did. Some of this could be due to the cost or capability of the original equipment. I would suggest the following. If you can take your CD player to richer sounds and see if the use of their DAC makes a difference. From my experience Richer Sounds is a great store and will be more than happy to let you try this, my friend even returned his after he tried it at home and found it wasn't for him.

The second option is to see if you were to sell your current CD player and add the cost of the DAC would that upgrade provide you with more benefits?

If you are in the same position I was in, that is the use of the DAC will provide multiple benefits (like optical out from the laptop into your system) then the benefits are going to be good. The fact that I didn't notice a difference with my hifi may be a good thing considering my cd player was over 2 grand when I bought it and the DAC didn't degrade the sound.


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