I spent 3 days over the Easter period hoping to convince myself that trying the CD6002 in Ext 2 mode sounded better then Ext Off or Ext 1. However I could not notice a discernable difference between the 3 settings.
I tried the CD6002 with my Pioneer A-400, and my Cambridge Audio 740a in the other room. Neither myself, nor my wife could really here a difference between the three settings when played through either amps.
I'm sorry but I don't get excited about the sound of the CD6002, Too much Bass and the treble is harsh, High Hats tend to have a (Tish Tish) sound rather than (Tiss Tiss) if you know what I mean? I also found that some instruments tend to get lost if there is too much going on at the same time.
This is the reason why last week I started a thread stating I was going to replace the Laser assembly in my old Marantz CD63se, I had 100 percent success in sourcing and fitting new Laser assembly and the correct kind of lubricant for the mechanism. I replaced the whole mechanism myself at a cost of £25:98.
Personally, I think the CD6002 is a long way short of sounding as good as my old one, and no end of trying to convince myself, or a quantity of Red Wine later is going to change my opinion on that.