CD Transport - budget in the order of £1500


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2012
There have been several articles about expensive cd players or transport and most seem to say that it is a waste of money to spend loads on a cd transport, you have a DAC already?


Seems an awful lot to be putting aside for a transport. They have no effect on end sound beyond working properly or not working. I'd buy something cheaper like a good blu-ray player, perhaps one of the Oppo's? And save money.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2012
Yes I will be buying a Sony Blu-Ray dvd player soon for about £100, plug that into the DAC and it should be as good as most cd players, plus you can play sacds and dvds of course.

the record spot

Yes, but one thing to bear in mind is that the Sony transport can be noisy when accessing a disc. I found this when I used my S370 a couple of years back and it was noticeable.

You can, by all means pitch the Blu-Ray player as a source and they'll be fine. That's not the tail end of the story though and while I like what my Spitfire II DAC and S370 did, the noisy transport (which Sony may have dealt with now of course) put me off.

There is of course, the rationale that not everyone wants a cheap source player. If you're not bothered with it, then no issues, but some consumers will want something different. It's important to be able to recognise that and not keep pitching the "you don't need a fancy CD player, you can get a cheap DVD player from Sainsbury's!*" line.

* - other supermarkets are available. :)


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2008
ifor said:
Yes, I have a DAC already, but the "plan" is that it will be upgraded in due course.

Once you have your upgraded DAC, you can use your existing Cyrus CD8SE as a transport only just by connecting them with optical cable (or digital coax) ...


...this will bypass the player's built-in DAC and save you £1500. (Minus the cost of a digital cable).


New member
Jul 2, 2009
if you like the synergy between your amp and speakers i think you would be a lot better off putting the cash into an m2/caspian amp, those spendors deserve that.


New member
Nov 19, 2008
Use the coax output of your CD8SE to connect to a dac and that is as good a transport as you need - Servo Evolution mechanism after all. You're better off spending the money elsewhere.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2002
chebby said:
ifor said:
Yes, I have a DAC already, but the "plan" is that it will be upgraded in due course.

Once you have your upgraded DAC, you can use your existing Cyrus CD8SE as a transport only just by connecting them with optical cable (or digital coax) ...


...this will bypass the player's built-in DAC and save you £1500. (Minus the cost of a digital cable).

That has not passed me by Chebby, and it is undoubtedly what will happen first after the purchase of a new DAC. I had previously considered getting a Cyrus QX 8 DAC and replacing my Roksan Kandy amp, but it didn't take many minutes of listening to the Cyrus on home loan to realise just how dreadful it sounds. The detail was amazing, but it wasn't anything I could enjoy listening to.

So whilst I appreciate that the CD transport in the Cyrus 8 SE is pretty damn good, I'm just exploring the options of what I could possibly do to better it.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2002
the record spot said:
There is of course, the rationale that not everyone wants a cheap source player. If you're not bothered with it, then no issues, but some consumers will want something different. It's important to be able to recognise that and not keep pitching the "you don't need a fancy CD player, you can get a cheap DVD player from Sainsbury's!*" line.

* - other supermarkets are available. :)

Thank you for your constructive comments. You are right, I do not want a DVD player or one of those blue things. I want a top quality CD transport for playing CDs. Suggesting I replace the CD 8 SE with a £100 multiplayer is quite simply ridiculous and I doubt it's Hi Fi either.


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2008
Off-topic (sorry) but I am a bit envious of that 'Inspired' Manticore. (I almost bought the original Mantra in the mid 1980s but went for a Walker CJ55 + RB250 instead.)

I also used the Goldring 1042 for 11 years (including two replacement stylii) on a Planar 3.

I can only imagine how good your TT/arm/cart must sound.

Al ears

Well-known member
chebby said:
ifor said:
Yes, I have a DAC already, but the "plan" is that it will be upgraded in due course.

Once you have your upgraded DAC, you can use your existing Cyrus CD8SE as a transport only just by connecting them with optical cable (or digital coax) ...


...this will bypass the player's built-in DAC and save you £1500. (Minus the cost of a digital cable).

+1 Chebby beat me to it again. Save your money.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2012
I suggest tyou look into much more, quite afew people in the industry are saying things like that. If you want to spend £1500 on a cd transport that is upto you but many are no better than a cheap cd player.


New member
Jun 26, 2010
ifor said:
Any suggestions?

If you want to upgrade - look at moorgate accoustics web site. They have some refurb Cyrus top CD transports at a very good price


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
ifor said:
Thank you for your constructive comments. You are right, I do not want a DVD player or one of those blue things. I want a top quality CD transport for playing CDs. Suggesting I replace the CD 8 SE with a £100 multiplayer is quite simply ridiculous and I doubt it's Hi Fi either.

It is not ridiculous to suggest that using a cheap transport would sound any different to your existing transport, or that your existing transport would not be perfectly good when used as a transport alone. What is ridiculous is the assertion that 'hifi' can only be good if it's expensive or that something is not 'hifi' because it's cheap.

It's your money and your decision to spend it however you like, but in this instance you need not spend much at all to achieve your aim, unless your aim is to spend £1500 or so.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2002
BigH said:
I suggest tyou look into much more, quite afew people in the industry are saying things like that. If you want to spend £1500 on a cd transport that is upto you but many are no better than a cheap cd player.

Yes, it is up to me and I don't doubt that many are overpriced and not significantly better than some of the cheap CD players. The thing is, it's not one of those I want, which is why I asked the question in the first place hoping that I might find some guidance towards the really good ones.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2002
chebby said:
Off-topic (sorry) but I am a bit envious of that 'Inspired' Manticore. (I almost bought the original Mantra in the mid 1980s but went for a Walker CJ55 + RB250 instead.)

I also used the Goldring 1042 for 11 years (including two replacement stylii) on a Planar 3.

I can only imagine how good your TT/arm/cart must sound.

I am pleased with it. I bought it second hand in the early '90s without an arm and had an Acos Lustre GST-1 that I already had fitted to it. I got the G1042 about 4 years ago and the Inspire makeover was last year. New arm, stiffened plinth, reveneered, acrylic platter instead of the original glass and Achrimat instead of the original fell mat. I think it is still the only Manticore Mantra that has been "Inspired".


New member
Jul 2, 2009
if you want a top grade transport cyrus will convert your cd8se to a xtse 2 or whatever they call it these days for a few quid. now i guess if you think thats value for money and you have plans to improve the rest of your set up its gonna be hard to beat. add a psxr if your not using one already and its a top notch transport.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2012
To say that the Mission TRANSPORT is to blame for the sound you don't like I also think is misguided.

You do know that dvd is higher quality than cd don't you?


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2002
bluebrazil said:
if you want a top grade transport cyrus will convert your cd8se to a xtse 2 or whatever they call it these days for a few quid. now i guess if you think thats value for money and you have plans to improve the rest of your set up its gonna be hard to beat. add a psxr if your not using one already and its a top notch transport.

This is indeed one of the options I am considering. In fact it's probably as far as I've got so far, so I could reask the question as "what would better the XT SE 2" for the same money or thereabouts"?


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
ifor said:
BigH said:
I suggest tyou look into much more, quite afew people in the industry are saying things like that. If you want to spend £1500 on a cd transport that is upto you but many are no better than a cheap cd player.

Yes, it is up to me and I don't doubt that many are overpriced and not significantly better than some of the cheap CD players. The thing is, it's not one of those I want, which is why I asked the question in the first place hoping that I might find some guidance towards the really good ones.

What do you think makes a good transport? What is it in this £1500 transport that you are looking for that a cheaper one would not give. People have given you perfectly good options that would not cost the earth and would provide you with all that is required as far as the sound goes. They won't have the Kudos of having another expensive box on the shelf though.

If you want to spend the amount that you mention, pick any CD player at or around the price and ones that you like the look of, because there really are no other variables apart from build quality, but even that can be had for a lot less. Your soon to be added DAC will be the leveller.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2002
BigH said:
To say that the Mission TRANSPORT is to blame for the sound you don't like I also think is misguided.

You do know that dvd is higher quality than cd don't you?

I didn't say that. It was the Cyrus amp I didn't like. Nothing to do with CT transport or Mission

Craig M.

New member
Mar 20, 2008
ifor said:
...which is why I asked the question in the first place hoping that I might find some guidance towards the really good ones.

The REALLY good ones can get all the digital data off the disc and present it to your dac without changing any of that data. Which is pretty much all of them, regardless of price. Buy one you like the look of, because appearance is the only difference when using them purely as a transport into a competent dac.


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