Cartridge for LP12


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I will be taking my LP12 (Ittok + Lingo + Cirkus) out of its 5 year hibernation and it is likely to need a new cartridge as well as a tune-up.

I will be feeding this via a MF X-phono amp into an AVR, with a view to getting a separate Hi-Fi system in a year or so.

Can I ask for cartridge recommendations please. I don't mind MM or MC but I would like to keep cost to £200 unless there is a bargain just over that.

Thank you

I don't have a particular type of music (everything from AC/DC through Dusty Springfield to ZZTop) but I do seem to focus on vocals. I like clarity in the mid-range I guess.

Even expensive(ish) CD players leave me cold. I auditioned some name XS pre-power the other day and that seemed to be heading towards what I like. Though wasn't totally convinced, but I put that was down to CDP as the source. I see from your equipment, if you'll pardon the expression, that you may be able to satisfy me.

Hope this helps.
Oooer (missus).

If you're not keen on the very clear top end of CD, then I would probably discount the AT-440ML, which was going to be one of my suggestions.

I would check out the Denon DL-110 or 160 (I have the 110 on my LP12), as it's a very detailed but neutral cart that, for me, gives the best of both worlds. It's a moving coil, but with a high output that works perfectly with MM phono stages (I have it running through the Naim's MM boards).

It also tracks really well, as it has a really good quality diamond. They have gone up a little in price since I bought mine, but I would still say at around £100 (analogue seduction have it for £95), it's a great cart.
you might like the grado cartridges

slightly rolled off in the upper treble but midrange and bass sound like liquid gold its also mm
Thanks guys.

I have a Ortofon Rohmann at present. The mfr doesn't do a refurb/retip service. Anyone know if this service is available by a third party?
The Cartridge Man does this... MCs from £375 for retip and service, but a darn site cheaper than a new Rohmann...

Ortofon will allow about £200 exchange on a new Rohmann but that still leaves £900 to find. I prefer £375 (even if that is a 'from').
then try dynavector if i had the spare cash thats the way id go


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