Carole King and James Taylor


New member
Feb 8, 2009

I recently purchased the following CD Carole King & James Taylor LIVE AT THE TROUBADOUR initially on first play I must admit whilst I enjoyed the album I was left with mixed feelings. However this evening I decided to play the additional DVD that accompanies the CD. Now hand on heart I am not always a big fan regarding live performances on DVD but on this occasion it was a splendid experience I didn't view it on a mega TV etc but the performances of Carole King and James Taylor and Band members was captured superbly vibrant, warmth etc in other words just sheer dam brilliant Talent.


Some music DVD/Blu Ray's are just awesome.

The Stones "Shine A Light" (admittedly a movie) springs to mind (and just blows it too!) And that's recorded/replayed in far superior quality than you'll ever hear on CD (on Blu Ray, that is).
Hello Sizzers a very valid point you've made
there was just something about this DVD the producer and camera crew managed to capture the intimacy of the venue.
I often find that just being able to watch a performance on DVD lifts it beyond the constraints of a poorer than CD soundtrack. All those hundreds (thousands) of visual cues and expressions that a CD lacks, and the fascination of watching instruments being played well.

Even with classical. I can barely listen to much more than 20 minutes of piano being played. But if I can see the performer(s) then I can sit there for hours watching and listening. I am even a sucker for the classical buskers in Covent Garden and will sit through three coffees and as many pound coins in the hat/box/instrument case before tearing myself away.

I don't like distance though. Which is probably why I prefer the closeness of a lunchtime recital in St Martins than sitting far back in a large concert hall. That is the advantage of the DVD/BluRay, they get in close.

I have the CD of Spike Lee's 'Do it Acapella' and I have the TV programme I recorded onto VHS (and now copied to DVD-R) from many years ago. Despite the superiority of the CD sound I far prefer the less than perfect sounding DVD version.
I seriously dislike live albums but live DVD/Blu Ray concerts can be truly awe inspiring, visually and musically.


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