can someone tell me how to add pictures please

First make sure that your picture is hosted somewhere on the web (photobucket, flickr or general link). Can't post a picture that's sitting on your HDD.

Then click on the "tree" icon on the toolbar

Insert the URL for said picture in top line.

Check that size is no greater than 400x400.


should work. ;-)
matengawhat:i can't see any tool bar on my system and no tree icon any ideas?

When you're doing a new post or reply, do you see a "toolbar" under "Message" just above the blank page (where you type your post in)? The "tree" icon is there next to your Smileys. What browser are you using?
matengawhat:internet explorer 8 and no tool bar also logged into firefox and again no tool bar

I use IE8 as well, and I've got this toolbar just above the page I'm typing on (looks like something from MS Word, with added Smiley functionality). Have you checked your Forum settings in My Account (top right) to enable Emoticons? (could be related...)
under my account. forum settings i ticked everything to yes and then it appeared after about 10mins unless someone altered something behind scenes at what hi fis end when i asked
matengawhat:under my account. forum settings i ticked everything to yes and then it appeared after about 10mins unless someone altered something behind scenes at what hi fis end when i asked

(I suspect the latter, though it wasn't me)


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