Can anyone who owns or has owned the Nait 5i tell me...


New member
Aug 10, 2019
...whether those green lights can be switched off and, if not, how bright they are, i.e. would they distract me if the hi-fi were below my tv and thus in my field of vision while watching it?

Looking at the non-italic version, if that makes a difference.
...whether those green lights can be switched off and, if not, how bright they are, i.e. would they distract me if the hi-fi were below my tv and thus in my field of vision while watching it?

Looking at the non-italic version, if that makes a difference.

One man's food is another man's poison. What may be 'distracting' to some may be perfectly 'normal' to others - we have different and individual levels of tolerances.

You need to determine this for yourself.

...whether those green lights can be switched off and, if not, how bright they are, i.e. would they distract me if the hi-fi were below my tv and thus in my field of vision while watching it?

Looking at the non-italic version, if that makes a difference.

One man's food is another man's poison. What may be 'distracting' to some may be perfectly 'normal' to others - we have different and individual levels of tolerances.

You need to determine this for yourself.


Well, my main intent was to discover whether the lights can actually turn off, which if they can renders the other question moot.

If not, I might be able to at least get a vague idea of how bright the light is.
it is bright and it is distracting

according to the manual you can turn it off but in the 1 month i had the 5i i couldnt so perhaps give naim a call their really helpful
Thanks for that, one off. If I could just ask you to elaborate very slightly, do you mean you tried to follow the instructions to turn the light off but it just did nothing, or did the manual not even give instructions on how to do it?
one off:
it is bright and it is distracting

according to the manual you can turn it off but in the 1 month i had the 5i i couldnt so perhaps give naim a call their really helpful

It is not at all bright and my instructions only mention using the 'disp' button to switch off displays, not the logo.
the manual is a generic manual for all naim power amps and their remotes its on their website if you want a look
chebby:one off:
it is bright and it is distracting

according to the manual you can turn it off but in the 1 month i had the 5i i couldnt so perhaps give naim a call their really helpful

It is not at all bright and my instructions only mention using the 'disp' button to switch off displays, not the logo.

yes thats what i found but in my room it was too bright but bear in mind i like total black
The remote display button turns everything but the logo off. A bit of black masking tape or some other improvisation over the logo would do the rest.
one off:
the manual is a generic manual for all naim power amps and their remotes its on their website if you want a look

Here is the link. Let me know if you find it.

Here is a photo of my CD5i (the logo is lit). Please ignore all the Dual CS-505 bits in the foreground

That is just about how bright it is. With a 5i (non-italic) you may get one that has a bulb behind the display rather than an LED. I really don't know when that changed.

Need a Naim 'old-timer' to comment. My experience only goes back to a slightly older NAT-05 tuner where the logo is a tiny bit brighter. (Not much and not distracting.)
chebby the logo on mine was a lot brighter but i dont go in for brightly lit rooms as yours is in the photo

what is distracting to one person isnt noticeable to others still a terrific amp by the way but i didnt like the backlit logo nor the thump when you turn the thing on
one off:
chebby the logo on mine was a lot brighter but i dont go in for brightly lit rooms as yours is in the photo

what is distracting to one person isnt noticeable to others still a terrific amp by the way but i didnt like the backlit logo nor the thump when you turn the thing on

That's what concerns me a bit. When I watch films I turn down the lights. If the amp is sitting under my TV (best place for it space-wise) then it could be intrusive.
Black tape is good, but to avoid the adhesive on the logo and for a slightly classier finish two options available

1. Bit of black card folded at ninety degrees, one end slidunder the amp the other "shields the LOGO"

2. Small piece of smoked glass and a couple of fixings to fix to your unit
Am going to do option two to cover the Halo on my V+ box as that is very distracting when I watch movies. 🙂
Buy a pair of the cheapest, darkest supermarket sunglasses. (Preferably the 'half-moon' style with plastic lenses slightly bigger than the Naim badge.)

Pop the lenses and Blu-Tack them over the offending Naim logo. (Little blobs of Blu Tack should do.)

Actually I think I have seen plastic clip-on sunglasses that spectacle wearers can clip over their normal prescription glasses.

From what I remember they were quite cheap - and the plastic quite thin - so 10 minutes with a scalpel or modelling knife should yield customised 'shades' for your Naims.

Maybe modelling/hobby shops have sheets of thin, dark/opaque plastic that you can buy also.
Yeah the V+ box has teh dummest lighting on the planet!! I have taped it up with crappy tape but will be doing a neater job of it with black tape. I dont find the naim logo distracting. In fact i find it rather satisfying cool.
The Naim logo can't be tuned off as previously mentioned. This is a legal requirement as an electronic product HAS to have a light to show that it's switched on. Someone with a little electrical know how could probably disconnect the bulb/LED, not that I am advocating this

I personally dont think they're that bright, only if you're on the same level as they are.
The Naim logo can't be tuned off as previously mentioned. This is a legal requirement as an electronic product HAS to have a light to show that it's switched on.

Surely not all electronic products?? I could name a few with no lights....

Does this relate to specific items??

(If so, it goes to show you learn something everyday...)
I can't say I can quote the law in thsi instance, but from what I'm told, an electrical item has to have an ON and a STANDBY light to indicate so. I said to Pioneer once that the plasma's would look nice without a light on the front, and they said the above. Naim have told me that too.
Sounds (and looks from photos) like it would likely be a distraction for me, then. A shame, but not insurmountable, and some of the tips posted in this thread might be useful.

I have a similar thing with the Creative Gigaworks T20 speakers connected to my computer. Great sound, but the blue power light on them is piercingly bright. I currently stick an upturned charging dock for an old Nokia phone in front of it, though have considered the black tape approach. Would be less comfortable doing that on an expensive amp, though.
Messiah: Just get a bit of black card and cut a small piece and fold it into an 'L' shape. Then just slide it in place to cover the logo.Far better than discounting one of the best amps under £1k from an audition shortlist.....


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