Cambridge StreamMagic 6 network connection

jerry klinger

New member
Jun 26, 2010
Just acquired one of these. Superb sound on the inputs I've been able to use. Better than Pioneer N50 and more flexible and a lot cheaper than Naim.

Coming up with a message after selecting Internet Radio 'Invalid DNS server'. |( Apparently this may be to do with firewalls on my router or BT Homehub. Can anyone give me simple directions to sort this out as I'm keen to keep the unit? Connection is wired ethernet to cheapo router box to Homehub. PC not switched on. Have also temporarily disabled firewall on homehub but same message appears.

(Secondary question would be: how come the Marantz, Pioneer and Naim network players I've had at home go straight into Internet Radio with no hiccups?)

Before we try any major surgery, can you try:

- plugging the SM directly into the home hub and;
- trying it with the wireless aerial connecting to the home hub network

This will tell is whether it's more likely to be in the network or SM that there's a problem.

I've just tried four options with the BT Homehub firewall disabled. Please bear in mind that I've previously connected several other streamers to the network (wired) with no problems connecting & getting internet radio, including with a Marantz MCR-603 which I currently use in an upstairs system.

1. Wired direct to Homehub: 'Network OK / Not connected to the Internet'

2. Wireless to my Homehub (with user key): Network error / Timeout setting IP address'

3. First other BT open wifi available: 'Network OK / Not connected to the Internet'

4. Second other BT open wifi available: 'Network OK / Not connected to the Internet'

So clearly it doesn't like something at the moment. I noticed when I took this away from Richer in Cheltenham that it had possibly been out of the box. (?)

Just tried again after factory reset and disabling firewall. Same messages : Network OK / not connected to the internet, then on Internet Radio 'Invalid DNS server'. Getting worried but still I don't want to have to return it (unless it's a faulty unit, of course).

Thanks for your help so far.

Finally - there is a God.

Decided that the problem was the Homehub end and did a fair amount of fiddling around with settings / re-settings. Not sure what specifically worked, but was then able to go to the SM6 and download latest firmware updates, followed by successful internet connection.

Still not sure why this machine has proved more picky than the others, but there's no doubt it's a great unit. Currently enjoying Radio Paradise on 192kbps. Sound through the optical input from my DVD player is superb too.

Glass of wine coming up! :bounce:
Cheers John. Also I discovered the rather nice feature of being able to tab through podcasts in 30 sec intervals - very useful! Don't think this is available on the Naim network players....


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