cambridge audio interconnets

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chebby said:
drummerman said:
Do you really want to have those freeby cheapo looking 2mm cables dangling out the back when you can have a little hifi jewellery?

And there we have it.

It's male jewellry to adorn the arse end of their hi-fis. (The bit's only spiders, a duster and a hoover nozzle ever see.)

It's all too ####ing weird!

I once went in a hifi shop and told them I wanted some bling for my system, ended up leaving with a power cable. Embarrassing really, I wish I'd done something useful with the money instead. It did look nice though, in as far as a bit of plastic wrapped wire can look good.
My power cables (and interconnects) look great. The former cost me I think about £17 each (Audio Friendly Silver).

So, what's wrong with a little bit of bling even if you don't believe they make any difference. Especially if you already spent hundreds or even thousands on your systems.

Some folks on here do make me chuckle. The words personal crusades seem to spring to mind.
These threads are like Glen Close in Fatel Attraction - just when you think it's all over they jump up screaming coming at you with a kitchen

Anyone with a incy wincy bit of technical knowledge will or should understand the differences 'heard' are not psychological/placibo etc.

Lol......I mean no matter how much we want to hear no difference they're still heard.(the amount of skeptics who are now adding this to their argument is genuinely funny - 'I heard differences but when blind folded it was gone' )

Those who cease to hear there is no difference when blind folded probably are the ones deluding themselves.

All cables are not equal and to suggest they are because it's a fat cable is silly - it's the composition that matters.

But hey! good is your set.
Thompsonuxb said:
Anyone with a incy wincy bit of technical knowledge will or should understand the differences 'heard' are not psychological/placibo etc.

riiiiiiight... so if that's the case we can assume that you see no black dots in the picture below?

Thompsonuxb said:
Anyone with a incy wincy bit of technical knowledge will or should understand the differences 'heard' are not psychological/placibo etc.

What technical knowledge are you referring to exactly then? What piece of technical information says that suggestion bias is impossible when processing auditive information?

Also, this might be interesting to see, the McGurk effect:
radiorog said:
Animesh, it appears you so far have a larger percentage of tour replies from the no difference in cables camp.

My opinion is cables definitely do make a difference. 100% and I personally find it very easy to tell the difference between some cables I have used.

I have the same experience. The only difference is I know WHY it exists, and it's not what the brochure says.

Knowing and sensing are not the same thing.
drummerman said:
Some folks on here do make me chuckle.

Everytime you recommend silver cables for brighter sound I chuckle as well. *mosking*

Maybe someone should make special audiophile passive tone controls. The treble starts at minimum with 100% copper / 0% silver and at maximum setting it ends with 0% copper / 100% silver. Everything inbetween will be graduation of mixing the two metals in a special purity alloy.

I am 100% sure you will hear brighter sound as you notch clockwise to the silver extreme. *good*
That's a cool optical illusion.

Focus on a square you'll see a white circle at each corner - scan across you see white circles at each cross.

The black ones appear outside of my focus and disappear turning white when I try to focus on them.

It's a ' I see.... oh wait' illusion, wonder how many will see the 3d unicorn hidden in that image?

If I squint I see a white circle everywhere the lines cross.

Are you suggesting our hearing works in the sameway Cheeseboy?

cheeseboy said:
Thompsonuxb said:
Anyone with a incy wincy bit of technical knowledge will or should understand the differences 'heard' are not psychological/placibo etc.

riiiiiiight... so if that's the case we can assume that you see no black dots in the picture below?
Lots of visual illusions.around.. Audio illusions too - tho less common - often more difficult to 'believe'. When both are combined - well - we simply cannot trust our senses - our brains are far too clever.
Stereo is an illusion in the same way as that example you've given.

Hearing differences is not an illusion.

Once an illusion is 'sussed' it becomes a novelty like your example. Ask someone in the know how many black circles and they'll respond 'ha ha... There are no black circles......'

It's not the same - differences are differences.

cheeseboy said:
Thompsonuxb said:
Are you suggesting our hearing works in the sameway Cheeseboy?

Are you suggesting it's not?
Thompsonuxb said:
Stereo is an illusion in the same way as that example you've given.

Hearing differences is not an illusion.

Once an illusion is 'sussed' it becomes a novelty like your example. Ask someone in the know how many black circles and they'll respond 'ha ha... There are no black circles......'

It's not the same - differences are differences.

There are no black circles if you look with one eye closed.

It seems some clarity can be achieved with partial sight. (But not, alas, with partial thought.)
Thompsonuxb said:
Stereo is an illusion in the same way as that example you've given.

Hearing differences is not an illusion.

It's like listening to golem talk to himself and contradict himself - "Stereo is an illusion, but if I hear it it's not, GOLEM, my precious".

Thompsonuxb said:
Once an illusion is 'sussed' it becomes a novelty like your example. Ask someone in the know how many black circles and they'll respond 'ha ha... There are no black circles......'

It's not the same - differences are differences.

erm, it's exactly the same. The point being, you can know it's illusion, but it still works - IE you know there are no black dots, but it doesn't matter what you do, *you will always see them*

Either your senses can be fooled or they can't - which is it? You don't get to pick and choose how and when they are fooled.

Here's a good one for you.
Vladimir said:
drummerman said:
Some folks on here do make me chuckle.

Everytime you recommend silver cables for brighter sound I chuckle as well. *mosking*

Ohhh, me too. They just make me 'appy and are the bees knees.

Like I said before, for good speaker cables I recommend VDH CS122 Hybrid and for interconnects the Profigold Oxypure.

In the context of a say £1500 to £2000 system the outlay is minimal and finish are all first class. You really don't just want any old freeby lead hanging out of the back. Have some pride 🙂
drummerman said:
Ohhh, me too. They just make me 'appy and are the bees knees.

Like I said before, for good speaker cables I recommend VDH CS122 Hybrid and for interconnects the Profigold Oxypure.

In the context of a say £1500 to £2000 system the outlay is minimal and finish are all first class. You really don't just want any old freeby lead hanging out of the back. Have some pride 🙂

Strangely I get immense pride in seeing freeby interconnects in my equpment, safe in the knowledge that they sound the same and that I'll no longer get conned into spending unnecessary money on smoke and mirrors...

Perhaps the wrong term, I imagine you love smoke and mirrors! 😉
fr0g said:
drummerman said:
Ohhh, me too. They just make me 'appy and are the bees knees.

Like I said before, for good speaker cables I recommend VDH CS122 Hybrid and for interconnects the Profigold Oxypure.

In the context of a say £1500 to £2000 system the outlay is minimal and finish are all first class. You really don't just want any old freeby lead hanging out of the back. Have some pride 🙂

Strangely I get immense pride in seeing freeby interconnects in my equpment, safe in the knowledge that they sound the same and that I'll no longer get conned into spending unnecessary money on smoke and mirrors...

Perhaps the wrong term, I imagine you love smoke and mirrors! 😉


chebby said:
Thompsonuxb said:
Stereo is an illusion in the same way as that example you've given.

Hearing differences is not an illusion.

Once an illusion is 'sussed' it becomes a novelty like your example. Ask someone in the know how many black circles and they'll respond 'ha ha... There are no black circles......'

It's not the same - differences are differences.

There are no black circles if you look with one eye closed.

It seems some clarity can be achieved with partial sight. (But not, alas, with partial thought.)

Lol.....I often forget things have to be spelt out for some of you.

Stereo is an illusion changes to the sound - Nothing to do with ones perception of the stereo image if one moves left or right in this context.

No,what we are talking about is treble definition, ambience, bass texture the sort of things cables can affect....if you can hear them.

Ref the 2nd bit, of course an illusion works but you know it's an illusion, your wise to it - that has nothing to do with hearing the changes described.

A more defined top end for example is not a delusion/illusion it'll even stick with the stereo image as you move around.

I mean what's the point you're trying to make?

cheeseboy said:
Thompsonuxb said:
Stereo is an illusion in the same way as that example you've given.

Hearing differences is not an illusion.

It's like listening to golem talk to himself and contradict himself - "Stereo is an illusion, but if I hear it it's not, GOLEM, my precious".

Thompsonuxb said:
Once an illusion is 'sussed' it becomes a novelty like your example. Ask someone in the know how many black circles and they'll respond 'ha ha... There are no black circles......'

It's not the same - differences are differences.

erm, it's exactly the same.  The point being, you can know it's illusion, but it still works - IE you know there are no black dots, but it doesn't matter what you do, *you will always see them*

Either your senses can be fooled or they can't - which is it?  You don't get to pick and choose how and when they are fooled.


Here's a good one for you.

Thompsonuxb said:
Lol.....I often forget things have to be spelt out for some of you.

Thompsonuxb said:
I mean what's the point you're trying to make?

I'll stick with my comment about you contradicting and arguing with yourself. If you can't get your head around the basics of what has been spelt out with crayons a few times, you're never going to get it. Still, i guess ignorance is bliss as they say.
Lol...... Ok.

But just to be sure you understand the difference between a stereo image and tonal changes in this context?

cheeseboy said:
Thompsonuxb said:
Lol.....I often forget things have to be spelt out for some of you.

Thompsonuxb said:
I mean what's the point you're trying to make?

I'll stick with my comment about you contradicting and arguing with yourself.  If you can't get your head around the basics of what has been spelt out with crayons a few times, you're never going to get it.  Still, i guess ignorance is bliss as they say.
Lol....has it ever crossed your mind that I am using it ccorrectly..... :-D

It grates when I have to scroll down - I'm using a phone -to read an update.

But if it's a problem I'll try next time.

TrevC said:
Thompsonuxb said:

Please use the quote function correctly. Your reply goes below the quote. Thank you.
Thompsonuxb said:
Lol....has it ever crossed your mind that I am using it ccorrectly..... :-D

It grates when I have to scroll down - I'm using a phone -to read an update.

But if it's a problem I'll try next time.

TrevC said:

Please use the quote function correctly. Your reply goes below the quote. Thank you.

I find it irritating the way you do it.
Thompsonuxb said:
Lol....has it ever crossed your mind that I am using it ccorrectly..... :-D

It grates when I have to scroll down - I'm using a phone -to read an update.

But if it's a problem I'll try next time.

TrevC said:

Please use the quote function correctly. Your reply goes below the quote. Thank you.

Are you chinese?


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