Cambridge audio axr 100d


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2022
I'm upgrading my trusted rotel ra 02 in couple of months and find myself with a working budget of around £500. I have a setup that includes an old kenwood cd player and my main source is a beautiful rega planer 3,also a cassette deck and my speakers are a pair of klipsch sf2's. As you can imagine I need quite a lot of extras in my new amp,including a built-in DAC to add a CD transporter later this year ( also suggestions),Bluetooth to add amazon music through my tablet and also a tape loop. I've been researching amplifiers and for an amp that fits my needs the camebridge audio axr 100d seems to have it all (I also researched the audiolab 6000a and rotel Tribute,but they're missing the tape input). I'd appreciate any other opinions that my trusted audiophile family have (also planing speaker upgrade later this year with a budget of around £500,thinking about the Qacustics 3050i's?) As you may remember I have built my current setup from secondhand components via eBay/marketplace and have been very lucky,but with new amp,speakers and transporter and a working budget of around £1500 for the 3 items,I'm treating myself to brand-new components. All suggestions are welcome and maybe there are some ideas that I've not even thought of. Thanks guys in advance as usual.
Audiolab and Rotel both have sufficient inputs to connect your cassette deck so don't discount them.
I was under the impression that both of those amps didn't have tape inputs,but now I know I'm thinking both amps would work. I've only had my ra02 a few weeks but it was always a stopgap till I could afford a new amp with built in DAC and Bluetooth,also I'll be streaming music so will I require a separate streaming device? If so any ideas what works?
I've just bought a Marantz PM7000n network enabled amp that has built-in streaming and bluetooth. It also has tape in/out connections and a phono stage. I love it! SO great just to browse my Amazon musics with the HEOS phone app and pick and choose just what I want to listen to.
I was under the impression that both of those amps didn't have tape inputs,but now I know I'm thinking both amps would work. I've only had my ra02 a few weeks but it was always a stopgap till I could afford a new amp with built in DAC and Bluetooth,also I'll be streaming music so will I require a separate streaming device? If so any ideas what works?
Sorry Ian, wish I could, but I tend to keep all my boxes separate. Amp for amplifying separate box for a DAC, it's a simple approach but works for me.

Audiolab do a 6000A Play, Rotel have the S14 but it's not cheap.

Nico's suggestion above is a worthy contender 👍
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I have the Rotel A11 Tribute for few monthes now and like it very much. As mentioned no problem with tape or any other inputs. It is very good beside the problen with the screen display that is too small to operate from more than 1.5 meter... see attached picture taken from 1.5 meter.
Sound with Wharfedel Diamond 9.1 is good, but you may need an active Subwoffer if you really a strong bass lover. 20230303_194123.jpg


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