Cables for Mid to High End Rockers


New member
Aug 10, 2019

Can anyone recommend interconnects and speaker cables that sound particularly good with all tyes of Rock music (ie anything from light/acoustic to hard charging guitars) ?

I can only tell you what worked for me at my budget - Chord Rumour 2 spkr cable (excellent) and Chord Co Chameleon Silver+ IC. I was told they would emphasise Rock music well and add bass and depth to my system. I think WH said the same about the IC.
Silver High Breed interconnects .... happy with mine and have not read a bad review from people who own them ... bargain price
Another vote for Chord Chameleon Silver Plus interconnect, loads of guts, plenty of detail.

Speaker cable Chord Carnival Silverscreen, fantastic cable and only £6/m
dim_span:Silver High Breed interconnects .... happy with mine and have not read a bad review from people who own them ... bargain price

coops!!:I can only tell you what worked for me at my budget - Chord Rumour 2 spkr cable (excellent) and Chord Co Chameleon Silver+ IC. I was told they would emphasise Rock music well and add bass and depth to my system. I think WH said the same about the IC.

Another vote for Chord from me, I have the Rumour 4 and Chameleon Silver+ and tried a lot around that price but in my system they worked the best. I never liked anything QED, but that is just personal.

Can anyone recommend interconnects and speaker cables that sound particularly good with all tyes of Rock music (ie anything from light/acoustic to hard charging guitars) ?


What equipment are you using?

Can anyone recommend interconnects and speaker cables that sound particularly good with all tyes of Rock music (ie anything from light/acoustic to hard charging guitars) ?


What is your definition of mid/high end? Basically, how much do you have to splash? People have mentioned Chord Rumour which is excellent but some would class it a budget cable. I have the Odyssey 4 which is superb (I used to have Rumour) and I would also suggest the Epic if you can afford it. As for interconnects, you can't go wrong with Chord in my opinion.
Gerrardasnails: I have the Odyssey 4 which is superb (I used to have Rumour) and I would also suggest the Epic if you can afford it.

I would be very intestered in hearing about the areas of improvement you found going from the Rumour to the Odyssey?
I found the Chord Indigo pretty good and almost went for that, but ended up with a Kimber Select KS1030 because I only needed a 0.5M run and it was a better cable for similar money at the time....... Does rock Very well in my system!
Try the Epic speaker cable- it's fantastic! As far as interconnects go, have you tried the anthem 2? they are around £230 if you shop around for .5m I think...but this combination will take your system to another level 🙂& a level that you will enjoy for years to come!!