cable dilema


New member
Jun 24, 2009
hi, just moved house and needed to change my setup. very limited budget but went from ms 902i (because i had to put them next to rear wall and they dont like it 1 bit) so changed to dali lektor 1's as they were all i could find to go on a bookshelf - incidently they are fab, just that my existing rumour 2 cable lengths are not long enough so 1 is too long the other is too short and is currently draping across the fireplace and the wife is not happy. i can get some more but its not cheap and wondered how much detail ( if any ) i would lose by cutting off the excess from one and using it to extend the other either by just intertwining it and securing with insulation tape or by using a termination block etc. id rather get some feedback before i start snipping it as i intend to sell what i have to fund the new stuff and its more saleable in equall lengths.

also i love my new lektors but my old rotel amp is only 30wpc and the lektors are not as responsive as the 902i's so proving a tad harder to drive and i may look at replacing the amp ( ra-820 ax ) would i want to look at something like marantz 6003 ? wouldnt want to pay more than around 250,
I wouldn't cut and rejoin the cables. Better to be of equal lengths on both sides - I'm sure you can find a way to neatly hide the excess cable.
I would have though unequal speaker cable lengths is a big no no. I've never tried it so can't tell what sonic changes it makes, but i's bound to have some effect (if the cable itself can)
really its just a case of persuading the missus that a run of cable over the fireplace isnt ugly! theres no way i can afford to buy enough for equal runs as the amp is virtually underneath one speaker so it woud be alot of waste cable in her eyes ! its just one compromise i will have to live with. but definitely no ' cut and paste '


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