Budget Turntable HiFi System


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Ben Thorne said:
So I'm looking for a decent turntable, amp and speakers for around £200. Speakers could be a bit less because I can upgrade them a later date but I still want them to be okay.

So can anyone recommend me things?

Sorry, not at that budget.


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2013
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Hi, your budget is a little low. But ebay can be your friend here.

If you take a bit of time, you'll be able to pick up decent speakers and an amplifier (make sure there's a phono stage built in) for £100.

I'd always recommend buying a budget turntable new. You can buy the most basic turntable from Project for £160 I think.

Good luck, and I hope you find something!


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Dec 1, 2012
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Diffucult on that budget but if thats all I had would go for -

Dual 505 turntable revision 2,3 or 4 (£50-£100 ish)

Teac AH500 amp (£80-£120 ish)

B+W DM601 series 2 speakers (£50-£100 ish)

If you are lucky second hand.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2013
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Tough one - I'd have said a PL-12d for the turntable but the prices seem to have gone up now to more than it's worth.

RIcher Sounds have some Wharfedale Diamond 9.0s which are an absolute steal at the moment, they sound tremendous. Depends how 'decent' you mean though and I'm not sure if they still stock them - you'd have to check your local one.

Amplifier wise - I'd always recommend the Pioneer A400 if you can find one in good nick for sensible money, I saw a NAD C320BEE for £70 in smack converters the other month and something like that would be a smashing budget amp.

WIth the exception of the speakers, which are just on a ridiculously good special offer, this is all fairly old kit. If you're buying new or nearly new I'd say you've got no chance.


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Feb 21, 2009
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Its tricky at this budget but we'd obviously recommend avoiding the one box hipster systems that come within your budget - its worth investing a little more, but you can achieve a starting point for a reasonable sum.

The Pro-Ject Elemental USB is a good starting point (with built in phono stage) and partnering that with active speakers is a good starting point. We may get some "flak" for this (as it isnt true hifi) but its a system you can build on later. An option as close as possible to your budget would be with Yamaha NX-50 speakers - theyre very small, but fantastic active speakers and sound a lot "bigger" than they look - certainly a world better than the sound of the "hipster systems", and it'll keep your overall spend around £270. Just remember its a starting point - you can add a proper integrated amp and bookshelf speakers later (without needing to change the turntable and with the benefit of the active speakers to use elsewhere!) :)