Prior to my current system (Naim Dac V1, Supernait 2 and Martin Logan Motion 40) I used to run Rotel RA1520 into B&W CM5. I was supposed to sell them a while ago, but out of lazyness I never got to put them on the bay, so they were still sitting in their boxes where they have been for most of this year. Now: my girlfriend is out of town, and because I'm in sort of a financial crysis and want to get a turntable setup + some acoustic treatment at the same time, I've been wondering if I could get away with selling the more expensive system, and just keep the Dac and run it as a preamp into the Rotel + B&W. So I'm doing all the combinations (I won't give a detailed review, but just a brief impression). Also, I haven't listened to the SN2 before this for almost a week now, since I blasted some Opeth through my headphones - not necessarily neighbour friendly to do this with Naim.
1. First I Replaced the SN with the Rotel. The Martin Logans are 4 ohm, but they are 92db sensitivity so they're pretty easy to drive. The sound was musical and enjoyable, but 2 important things were lost imo: one was low end texture (and some control, maybe because of the impedance, I don't know) and the second was that the soundstage lost almost all it's depth at the beginning. After keeping the amp running for 1 night, it became a bit better, but only by a small margin. Also, at times, the highs were a bit too crisp. Not necessarily harsh, but they were grabbing my attention too much at times.
2. I placed the B&W CM5 instead of the Martin Logans. Now this might be weird, but in my small 4x4m room, these actually sounded better with the Rotel. The bass was a bit fuller (and yes, I know it's a trick the B&Ws do), the highs were smoother and the overall sound was a bit more balanced, even though it lost some of it's openness - the music is like an organised solid block of sound. I knew Rotel + B&W was a combo that just worked, but now I got to check it patiently in my own space in my own time.
3. Now I'm at the B&W CM5 + Supernait 2 step. From the first few notes, the smile reappeared on my face. I know some people think Naim and B&W make bad partners, but I'm not going to be one of them. Maybe other models, but these two - nuh-uh. Now don't get me wrong, the Rotel is ok I guess for it's price (i liked it a lot), but boy what a difference the SN makes (and it should, at 3.5 times the price). The low end is controlled and sounds like instruments instead of just notes (in some circumstances) again. And... well basically it just brings magic to the table. The sound is smooth and warm but detailed. Actually this might benefit a slightly less warm speaker cable then my Audioquest Type 4, but it's not bothersome at all. With the music I tested it, there was almost never a moment I felt like something was missing. Yes, of course the soundstage will be smaller then a 3way floorstander, but for my room and music and tastes, the current setup just sounds like... well, MUSIC!
Now. Obviously the SN2 isn't what you're looking for (budget-wise), but my point was to confirm what I read recently about B&W speakers (forget who it was that said it, sorry): B&W speakers like current. I'm not tech savvy, but people who are say Naim amps have a lot of current, so I guess that's what's driving my CM5 soo good. So maybe test a Naim 5si if it fits your budget - or look at secondhand market if you audition the combo at a dealer and you like it.