Brothers sound!!


New member
Aug 10, 2019
It looks like when my brother was playing his amp one of the speaker wires fell out. Now whenever I play anything there is no sound so I am wondering if the amp is now ready for the scrap heap?
Could it be he hit a 'tape mon' button?Every now and then my wife hits it when she trys all the input selects on my cambridge audio 840 amp.
Unfortunately it's on cd input, no other button is selected
bummer mate but on my amp the cd input or any input can be selected and if the tape mon button is also on it has a mute effect.Thats why its so easy not to cop.I'm sure there is a more technical explanation from more informed lads on here and my amp is probabaly not the same but i hope its as easy to of luck.
Had a similar thing happen to me a while back. I somehow managed to short out the speaker terminal. In to dealer it went for repair. Think it ended up being a fuse.


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