Bravia 46W3000 Help!!! HDMI 1.3???


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hello I have Bravia 46W3000 with 3hdmi inputs are they 1.3?? does anyone know??? and what is the difference and why 46W4000 looks to be cheaper than W3000???
Yes, according to the Sony website the 46W3000 has HDMI 1.3. And as far as I know the 46W4000 is the latest 2008 model, so not sure why it's cheaper other than the fact that flatscreen prices just keep on tumbling. Where did you see it advertised and at what price? Pricerunner has it showing at between £1400-£1600. How much did you pay for your 46W3000?
I have paid 1440 about a month ago and I have found website which sells W3000 for 1499 and W4000 for 1399 for some reason... Is there any major differences between those 2??


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