blu-ray updates


New member
Aug 10, 2019
i am thinking about geting a blu-ray player but some of my friends are haveing problems with some filmes not playing do you have to keep updating your player?
As the studios push what can be done with the Blu-ray format then yes, occasional updates will be needed to keep pace with this and solve any playability problems that crop up
thanks so would i have to get a player with wi-fi internet capability or do all blu-ray players come with this as stander?

They nearly all allow some way of connecting to the 'net.

An ethernet port or wi-fi for example.

If there's no provision for that, there will be an upgrade path to follow by burning the update from the net on a PC/MAC to a USB stick or CDR and you then update the player that way.

Depending on your personal circumstances, you'll need to factor each scenario into your buying criteria and choose a machine with the simplest way of updating - for you.


Most players come with an ethernet port these days, and some with wi-fi built-in. If there's no wi-fi, you can link the player to a wireless network using an ethernet bridge device.


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