stefanom said:Many of the best studios of the world are wired with high quality cabling. For example Abbey Road Studio Two, which was The Beatles second home in the 60s, is wired with van Damme cables. If cables don't matter why don't they use cheaper cables?
TrevC said:stefanom said:Many of the best studios of the world are wired with high quality cabling. For example Abbey Road Studio Two, which was The Beatles second home in the 60s, is wired with van Damme cables. If cables don't matter why don't they use cheaper cables?
Who said cables don't matter? Van damme make reasonably priced pro cables, which is probably why they used them.
drummerman said:'Blind tests' ...
Honestly, IMHO They are as pointless as any current Labour Manifesto.
Gaz37 said:In the same way as your sense of smell is when choosing a TV
davedotco said:Gaz37 said:In the same way as your sense of smell is when choosing a TV
It's been done...*biggrin*
NSA_watch_my_toilet said:We had knowledgeable comments on the first page, so, please, take good not of them.
The only thing I could add, is that a blind test should have a person that is controlling that nobody cheats, and control the sampled results. You can naturally make "light" blindtests, that can have a form of use if you are open minded.
Native_bon said:ABX is trying to found if you can determine which from which.Does sound quality not count as different. I think you guys should be politicians. My point here is that cables sound different but not enough to detect in a blind test just like it will be in the case of hifi boxes.
NSA_watch_my_toilet said:We had knowledgeable comments on the first page, so, please, take good not of them.
Gaz37 said:In the same way as your sense of smell is when choosing a TV
hg said:ID. said:steve_1979 said:An ABX is basically only used to check if you can hear any difference at all.
That is not quite right. It tests if one can distinguish components from the sound they emit. This is not the same as a person hearing a difference. For example, if a person has trained themselves to hear different sounds with two different cables they are likely to hear one or other of these different sounds in a blind test when they know one or the other of the cables is being used. But if the difference in sound emitted is below the audibility threshold then they will fail to correctly identify the cables. It is an important distinction because people may genuinely hear a different sound with different components even when the sound emitted is not distinguishable in a blind test. The perception of sound by the brain involves more than just the sound hitting our ears.
Was not aimed at you in particular. Just generally speaking. Smiles.steve_1979 said:I was aiming for humor rather than grumpiness. 🙂
The problem with forums is we're only communicating by text and without body language and tone of voice the message often gets lost in translation.