fr0g said:What "additional"research is needed pray tell?
You can prouduce an identical copy of a waveform from a digital copy that has twice the sample rate as the maximum frequency in the waveform. It's not like it's a tough one.
Also, it's considered a "theorem". It has been proven from multiple sources and is essentially considered "fact".
The "only" vaguely possible need for more than 44.1 KHz is the claim that people can sense frequencies above the 22 KHz limit. A claim that has never been successfully proved, unlike Nyquist-Shannon, which has.
In the very same link that was given to me on the Nyquist theorem, that website seems to support higher sampling rates, NOT because it claims we can hear the higher frequencies, but that the need for aliasing, which simplistically speaking can introduce distortions, is mitigated. If you'd care to read further there, and as Cno also stated essentially.