Hi folks,
The possible imminent arrival of a 65VT50 and it's inherent 3D capability has left me asking the following questions:
Ditch the 2500BT, AVR4308a in favour of the 3D capable kit from Marantz - Go the seperate processor, amp route with the matching 3D bluray player?
Sorry, I'm guessing at model numbers now but if memory serves: MM7005, SR7005 and the UD7006?
Would I see significant gains with the new kit or am I just suffering from upgraditous???
The possible imminent arrival of a 65VT50 and it's inherent 3D capability has left me asking the following questions:
Ditch the 2500BT, AVR4308a in favour of the 3D capable kit from Marantz - Go the seperate processor, amp route with the matching 3D bluray player?
Sorry, I'm guessing at model numbers now but if memory serves: MM7005, SR7005 and the UD7006?
Would I see significant gains with the new kit or am I just suffering from upgraditous???