
New member
Jul 22, 2009
Ive recently purchased a Marantz SR8002 amplifier, my first surround sound amp, and i decided to try the biamping function after a couple of months use (Biwired). Ive read various articles on the internet about biamping and how some people think the difference in sound would be only slight (or no difference at all). I was blown away by the difference it has made! It sounded good before when playing 2 channel stereo but now the bass is so much tighter and the whole sound is generally clearer.

I would strongly advise anyone the take advantage of biamping if the amp has the function to do it. Has anyone else noticed what a difference it can make?
No doubt about it! The difference with bi-wiring or not is more subtle, but if you bi-amp you notice a big difference.
I Bi-Amp my SR6003 but I use a Pair of Marantz MA6100 Mono block Amplifiers for the Woofers, they are a fantastic addition to any Marantz AV amp just a real shame they are not sold any more.
TheHomeCinemaCentre:Have to agree, with most amps now offering 7.1 and the majority of systems used in 5.1 it make perfect sense to use the extra channels.

My old Sony STR-930 has A and B amps for the front stereo channels, I've often wondered if it would be worth bi-amping using both (with the front switch selector set to A+B) but I've never been sure if these are actually two entirely seperate amp stages or not.


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