Bi-Wiring of Dali Ikon 6 Mk2


New member
Mar 1, 2014
Hi all,

I've only just set myself up with a decent hi-fi and I'm wondering if there's any real benifit in cabling my Ikon 6's with 2 cables per side? The sound is beautiful but I've noticed they seem to be slightly distorting at certain frequencies. They seem to hate any vinyl by Brandt Brauer Frick at the moment, they sound like they're in pain. I'm not driving them vey hard at all if that's what your first thought is. There is a particular mid frequency that they don't like at all.

It may just be the vinyl but I'm worried.

This could be just a wearing in issue but in the procees of investigating I thought I'd look into the Bi-Wiring setup.

Any thoughts?


New member
Jul 19, 2013
Hi deeuss ,

How long have you had them ? if they are shinney new give them a week or so to loosen up .

That said , I've owed a few pairs of Dali speakers , older versions , and the links where never worth a curse , cut yourself a 3 or 4 inch length off your speaker cable and link th bi wires out with it suck it and see



New member
Aug 21, 2009
What speaker cables are you using?

Have you replaced the links?

Some speakers respond to it, but generally (and controversially) I would rather spend the money on better cable.

Is your TT set up correctly and properly isolated?

Al ears

Well-known member
Like cnoevil I would suggest money is best not spent on bi-wiring. Upgrading the single run of speaker cable should make improvements, as would replacing the links as previously suggested.

The problem may, ultimately, be down to the Ortofon cartridge.


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2008
Changing cable or links will not make the slightest difference to your problem, as it sounds like your cartridge is most likely not able to handle the tracks mentioned.

The first thing you should do is make sure your cartridge is setup to give its optimum performance (Tracking, anti-skate alignment etc.) as this is a critical part of a vinyl setup.

If the above does not solve the problem, then changing the cartridge may be the only option. (If possible try the discs on another system to make sure they are not damaged, or that the distortion is inherent in the recording itself)

Hope this helps



New member
Mar 1, 2014
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I've fillled in a few more of the gaps below.

I'm using QED Ruby Anniversary cable - about 5m per side.

Everything is correctly isolated in the system.

The TT is set as per manufacturers specs.

I would say I've had the setup for about a month but haven't pushed it hard yet - I'm in an apartment block so frustraightngly I need to pick my moments.

It's only the one artist (2 different vinyls) that's causing issues - although I thought I heard the same fault when I was streaming audio but I could be paraniod at ths stage.

The TT is very nice but I would be open to changing the cartridge down the track, does anyone have a suggestion of a nice addition to my setup.

The next day I get off I'll be heading back to the store with the suspect vinyl to give it a spin on a few different setups to see how things go. The guys I picked my kit up from are really good so there will no problems testing a few things.

Thanks again for the help.


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