Bi amping two different stereo amps.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2010
I would like to try bi amping two intergrated stereo amps.

I wish to use my SG Jolida A valve amplifier 50 w per channel for the high and mid frequencies, and say either a NAD or Cambridge solid state for the bass frequencies. I have not puchased the Nad or Cambridge amp so i need some advice on the best model for bass reproduction.

I understand how to connect to the speakers, and they are likely to be Teufel Ultima 60's floorstanders.

These speakers are suitable for both bi wiring and bi amping, are a good price with 4 star what Hi Fi rating.

i need to find is how to get signal path between the two amps.

The Jolida has only 4 inputs and no preouts. The NAD or Cambridge will probably have a line out or tape out with several inputs that I could feed all the equipment, DAB tuner, deck, CD,etc into. Can i then go from the tape out or line out on the NAD to one of the inputs on the Jolida i.e (AUX in) I know ideally the two amps should match, but the Jolida is such a looker and sounds great i want to keep it.

My wish list would be a solid state amp with good low end - a dedicated sub out for even more bass, as I have a active subwoofer, a phono stage for my project genie 3 deck and 50w per channel would be a nice to have. Budget for speakers and amp around £500.00

Anyone advise please.
If you are talking about 2 different make of amp on a pair of speakers, then I would say that the sound output will not be balance
I agree. What you are talking about will work (to a degree) but the likely mismatch in gain between the two amps would forever have you fiddling with the volume to get a coherant sound let alone the significant tonal disparities between a tube and solid state driven speaker.

Why do you 'have' to have a solid state amp to go alongside the Jolida? If you don't think the Jolida has enough grunt to drive your (prospective?) speakers I'd suggest that is where you'd need to focus your attention and not on the amplifier.
Seems you are right about incompatibility.

I have read other forums and they basically say similar things.

Use amps of the same make, and same model otherwise you get gain and phase issues between the two.

I might just try experimenting though and buy a secondhand NAD C350 to experiment, i need to satisfy my own curiosity - they go on ebay cheap enough.

What I need to find out is there a requirement for a crossover filter in the front end before the amps (would it need two one for each amp), or is the filtering done internally by the passive network in the speakers crossovers?
Thanks for your feedback.

The reason for choosing the solid state for low end is just based on reading different articles on this topic, I have little or no knowledge on this topic as I have just began finding out about the wonderful world of bi amping.

I think on youtube there is a short demo showing a tube amp and solid state being used together. The theory being valves amps tend to shine in the high and mid spectrum, whereas a solid state will produce a less warm low end in favour of a more snappy and focused bass.

Yes i suppose I'm looking for the perfect flat response on the cheap.

If the budget permitted I would look at some serious speakers.

This in mind, if the compatibility is going to be a major problem have you any recommendation for floorstanders around the £500.00 price tag that would get the best allround performance out of the Jolida?

As i have a active subwoofer that cannot be used with the Jolida because there are no pre outs i could sell it for about £120.00 making my available budget around £620 mark.

Also, would there be any decent used floorstanders i could look out for.


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