best with sd??

No right or wrong answer to this question. Some plasmas are better than some LCDs and vice versa. Some people think the best TV so far for SD broadcasts was one of the Pioneer plasma TVs but I'm sure there are others who would disagree with that. Only you can decide which is best for what you want by going to have a look.
yeah i guess so prof. My set before i went away (traveling january last year) was the very first bravia and it was terrible. Extremely smeary and quite unwatchable with a normal sd signal and some DVD's (I only had a tv areal plugged into the back!). So i thought that maybe plasma would be better because i have not seen anyone referring to smearing with plasmas. I will be upscaling whatever signal i get this time round though, so i guess it will never ever be as bad as that again.
Well smearing is caused by slow response times, which is a factor common in old LCD sets. Plasma never had an issue with this as response times were significantly faster, but as LCD technology has developed, this is less and less an issue. Of course some LCD TVs today may have the issue, but the best ones will have this problem licked now.
hmmm. I tested the 40w4000 with a dvd (fight club) played on a sony blue ray player and saw some smearing in dark scenes and this set is highly rated.
It may be you're more susceptible to seeing this issue than others, some people can't tell. If this is the case, then plasma is probably going to be a better bet for you, but that doesn't mean it's a one size fits all answer (e.g. some people are more susceptible to the green phosphor trails on plasma screens, thus LCD is a better choice for them).
oh no, every time i see a plasma tv im gonna be looking for that now!

yes i am susceptible to these issue much to my girlfriends annoyance!
Agreed. I noticed smearing on the Sony W4000 and even the X3000/3500 series as well. Best for SD would be the Pioneer 8G HD Ready sets. Grab one before they are all sold out!
not full hd though are they? and also probably a little out of my price range.
Gander:not full hd though are they? and also probably a little out of my price range.

What is your price range?

In theory HD Ready supposedly is better than Full HD for viewing SD as the picture does not need to be "upscaled" as much. But in the end, it all depends on the particular TV set.
about 900 quid

i will also be playing pro evo on the xbox quite a bit (never play anything else) so maybe plasma isnt the way to go?
I guess your choices are the Sony, Samsung or Toshiba LCDs or the Panasonic Full HD plasmas. At that size and price there is no perfect tv. You just have to go and have have a look at them and pick the one you like the most.
cheers guys i dont think i ever finished reading the rest of my own thread!

Ive just had a little look at the toshiba set (Toshiba 40XF355D) and it looks very nice indeed and has got great reviews from various sources.

Thanks for your input fellas.

Toshiba are launching some new models around October with which they are claiming that they will make any SD souce look almost as good ad HD pic quality - they are using something called a "Cell Processor" with "Resolution +" - it's a pretty big and bold claim to make - if true, it would be amazing. I think the sets are called the ZF575 and will come in 40" & 46" sizes with their picture frame design.ÿ
There is great potential for the Cell processor that Toshiba developed with Sony. Of course it is, most famously, the CPU at the heart of the PS3. Putting it in a TV could be very interesting but would certainly drive up the cost of the tv as it's certainly not a cheap component. I'll be interested to see what kind of results Toshiba can get with it. The potential is certainly there but, like with the PS3, it might take them a while to really get the best from it.
I too do not beleive anything I read from manufacturers these days - no matter who it is - when reality strikes, it is always a major let down but by then they have convinced millions around the world who get frustrated and just end up buying the hype - someone mentioned costs of components or something but I have a feeling that manufacturers spend as little as they can on components but then blow astonomical sums of marketing hype - oh well, we will see how good this cell processing is when it comes out in October - I was hoping out of frustration that Toshiba would not be so arrogant as to make such a claim to the whole world without there being something special about their new technology but common sense kicks in and reminds me taht we have been hearing stuff like this for decades!ÿ
Toshiba who? 🙂 I also seriously doubt their claim based on their past record but who knows, they might pleasantly surprise everyone like what Onkyo did last year.


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