Best way of getting music from pc to my Denon 1910 Optical or HDMI ?


New member
Jan 26, 2010
I wounder if you could give me some advice on getting music from pc to my Denon 1910

I have been running a optical cable from the motherboard of my pc straight into the reciever and has sounded really good the other day I was trying to cut down on cable and thought I can use HDMI cable to do picture and sound thus getting rid of some of my spagetti junction of cable, The trouble is just does not sound not as good this way I was wondering if there is a reson for this or I just need to change some settings on the amp! The sound is all there just does not sound as bright as if the equaliser is set flat ?

Thanks in advance for ytou help and advice
Hi Ian986

I run an acer blu-ray desktop my hdmi goes to my Pioneer lx-60 amp, and I have optical to my Denon Avs-A10SE, I can not hear any dissernable difference in either , I have run an anologue signal as well and this was also ok. I use real player, spotify,lastfm ect.The only problem I have had is the desktop kicks out the signal sometimes and its a bit hit and miss to make it work again.

Mike again meant to say if you are going to an amp with hdmi your settings may be different ie bass,treble ect mine is different on every input hope this helps
Thanks for your help and you are right it was the audessy settings that where on when using the optical cable, cant seem to get them to come on with hdmi ! But have managed to make it sound better

So thanks again


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