Best Turntable for Q Acoustics 3030i


Sep 22, 2024
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I have a Pro-Ject Debut Carbon with OM10 cartridge turntable Recently, I bought a Q Acoustics 3030i and paired it with a Denon PMA-520ae receiver. I will upgrade amp to Rega Brio. I wanna upgrade turntable too, what will be the best turntable choice for the 3030i, Would buying the Rega Planar 6 be a waste of money? Is there a noticeable difference between the Rega Planar 3 and 6 with the 3030i? Also what would happen if i dont upgrade the turntable but ugrade the cartridge to 2m bronze?
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Welcome to the forum.

We don’t tend to think of exactly ‘matching’ a turntable to speakers. The job of the turntable, arm and cartridge is to extract the maximum possible information from each LP. These days, digital streaming can achieve much of this aim, and often remarkably cheaply. However, tapping a screen isn’t as engaging as carefully placing a record on the platter, lining up the arm, lowering it to that satisfying ‘thunk’, and relaxing with a readable sleeve note!

The QA speakers a quite capable of revealing improvements in your source. I had mine connected to umpteen times more expensive sources and amplifiers, not as a sensible system, but just for fun. Therefore a better turntable will be repaid if you have a sizeable LP collection.

Personally, I’m not totally persuaded by the step from Planar 3 to 6, but it’s still an improvement. I’d tend to stick with the OM10 in your Pro-ject, and encourage you to look at the Debut Pro, or the X1B if possible, as fine upgrades.


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